At the of the
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Adelaide CBD
At the of the
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sight-Seeing around Adelaide
On Saturday, we visited a few places; Glenelg, Victor Harbour, Mount Lofty Summit. In between during the car ride thru the farm and country-road, I dozed off as it helps to relieve my back-pain if I'm semi-cautious. Wanted to visit Cleland Wildlife Park but it was almost closing time when we get there so yet again, this trip to Australia, I won't be able to see a real koala. But as we drove thru the winding-road, I actually saw a wallaby so I keep looking up the trees hoping to catch a glimpse of a koala too but of course, I didn't.
Today, we visited the Fisherman's Wharf for their weekend flea-market. It's huge and I saw many lovely things that I wanted to buy but control myself from buying *chuckled* And we decided to visit Hahndorf again but this time to get down and have a stroll thru the street. Wanted to get some German-sausage but then, Dad said it's expensive.
I won't be blogging in details about my trip in Adelaide because I just got back from seeing a therapist and he advised me to rest and not to fly out to Melbourne tomorrow. Dad had already advised me yesterday to forfeit my flight ticket from Adelaide to Melbourne & Melbourne to Sydney. Thus, I had re-booked my flight from Adelaide direct to Sydney on 21st August to fly back to Kuala Lumpur.
Of course, it's sad to waste the few hundreds Aussie$$ but accident already happened; nothing much can be done. I also learned that for my future vacation, I shouldn't take such a long one too, somehow, it makes me feel like the excitement dreads away after 1.5 week. Not sure if I'm feeling like this because I'm in pain or I will tend to feel like this if the vacation is too long.
See thru my journey in Adelaide thru the pictures taken:- Photo Gallery
More About Adelaide:-
(1) History
(2) Places To Go
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bro's Graduation
Yesterday morning when I got up, I felt a bit ache at my back and by noon when we got back from IKEA after purchasing a new mattress for Bro and I realised, I can't even stand, walk and sit for more than 5 minutes. Thought it was the cold weather that is freezing up my bones and muscles, but Dad mentioned he got a slight ache on his arm too and that's when he suspected it was from the car accident that is why I'm having all this pain. *sobs*sobs* Looks like Adelaide has not started well for me... with the pain, I will not be blogging much either, even my camera is spoilt. What more will I be expecting?
Today, had to attend Bro's Graduation so with much pain still, I had to make myself as cheerful as possible to attend it. I had to constantly move around and not stay or sit at one position at all times. So the ceremony was kinda alright but of course, I was moving alot in my seat. The most disapointing part is due to the cold-weather, my new flowery-dress that I purposely bought for this occasion had to stay inside my luggage for other occasion.
= I'm proud of You! =
After the ceremony, we went for some photos at the nearby river. Nothing much of a good view in winter though... no flowers and its getting dark at about 4.30pm. Gloomy and cloudy for the evening. We hang around while Bro had some good times with his friends before we head out to town for dinner.
Had our dinner at Kowloon and since we were actually rushing to attend a church-service, we actually asked the waiter how long they can prepare the food and serve us whichever food that are easiest to cook. Hehehehe... I really had not encounter such a good service because the waiter actually promised us that he will "skip-the-line" and serve us first!! Was we glad on that and it was a delicious meal; Hong-Kies do cook very well. The best and funniest part was; we ordered black & pepper beef without the knowledge of Mom and when she eat it, she did not even know! So, can you imagine how good the cook is?
Of course, our night ended in the church and mind, the service was so long that I'm almost in tears already of the pain that I had to endure...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Perth to Adelaide
We landed in Adelaide airport and its raining outside thru the windows of the plane. It’s pretty odd the route that we had to take to claim our luggage. My dad & I were evern more surprised as there is no custom security check due to the domestic flight. Should have taken the dried cranberries & nougat that I shared purchased with Lily in Fremantle market. The cute “beagle” goes around sniffing luggage when we were waiting for them at the conveyor-belt. It’s cute, I should have taken a picture of it. Maybe, the next trip into Melbourne, I shall see if I could do that.
It’s superb freezing here with the rain. Weather forecasted highest 13 and lowest 4 from yesterday’s weather forecast. Indeed I could not take in this weather. Ahhhh… Anyway, at a glance thru the journey from the airport to my brother’s apartment. It’s not really a place I wanna be. Hehehe… It just reminded me of Malaysia. I turned left, I see Asian face, I turned right, I see Asian face. And the place and the roads… its scattered everywhere. As compare to Perth, this is “small and messy”. Hahaha…
We stopped by Sub-way to take away our lunch and yea… it’s different here and when you’re hungry and cold, you can eat anything and it taste good! *chuckled*
Tonight, I practically begging to have western for dinner. Especially, I wanna attempt to have the lamb; my old time favourite. I had been eating Chinese-cooking & rice for the last 7 days and why on earth come to Australia and still eat the same old thing which I eat at home for 365 days?!
We settled for Hogs Breath Cafe and definitely enjoyed my dinner and the companies. Of course, I had my "lammy" and Dad, Bro & Madeline had their steak, Mom as usual will have their fish & chip.
Got back about 9.30pm after touring around the eastern side of Adelaide after dinner. Bro brought us to his University grounds and his old rented place. It’s dark and cold and my mom nagged about it so, we head back. It’s true, nothing much can be seen in the dark anyway. I watched NCIS for about an hour after that while heating up myself next to the heather, my palms and feet are still cold. Bbrrrr…
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mandurah + South Mole
Since we will be leaving Perth tomorrow, my Uncle brought us to Mandurah along with Uncle Ho Lee. I actually mentioned that I wanna check out Rockingham too because I overheard a tourist-lady informed one of the shop-owner that it's beautiful up at Rockingham the last few days. So Uncle said we will dropped by there on our way back from Mandurah. We left home late-morning and Mandurah it's about 55km away from Perth, it takes about 1.5 hour to reach.
Thus, we didn't even get to go Rockingham *sobs*sobs* How can they do this to me?! How can they let Dim Sum to over-power the desire to visit a nice town like Rockingham? And my Uncle actually said, "Oh, Rockingham is just like Mandurah." Hhmmm.... what can I do?
DIM SUM was GGggggooooodddd... No wonder they would prefer dim sum over Rockingham!! Hehehe... Mom and I both ordered porridge and we were damn surpried when the bowl came. It's huge!! And we were begging for mercy... Since, I was taking small-naps in the car from Mandurah to this dim-sum restaurant so I have no idea where we were.
After our late-lunch, Uncle couldn't decide wherelse we can go since it's about 3pm, the time is not suitable to go somewhere far and it will be boring to go somewhere near that we have been before. So Uncle Ho Lee decided to direct us to South Mole; it's near to Fremantle and before Cottlesloe. This is the place alot of people do their sea-fishing.
The sun was very hot and the wind was chilly... I get a great-tann at the same time enjoying the strong sea-breeze while watching a few people catching their noon-fishy. We went around to North Mole too but there isn't much to see so we headed back home.
Uncle invited Uncle Ho Lee for dinner while he goes off preparing dinner for us, Uncle Ho Lee brought us to his place for a visit. We hangout there for a while and later, went back to Uncle's place for dinner. Of course, it's a very nice dinner with nicely decorated table and wares. Uncle even prepared dessert and not forgetting, I drank a fair bit of wine tonight because it help to keep me warmer.
I got to go pack my luggage since our plane to Adelaide will be quite an early one tomorrow. Excited at the same time feeling a little sad because there is so much I did not see yet in Perth.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Perth CBD + Ferry Ride
With my camera along for some morning-snap shots, but nothing much interesting and not so much ducks around in the morning either. Either they are asleep since it's winter or it may be just too cold to come out yet. But, I can see the "vapour" that comes out of my mouth when I'm chit-chatting with Dad.
Since it's a Sunday, we decided to take things slow and we only left for the train station at about 9.30am. We get down at the first stop; Esplanade and walked towards Barrack St. Jetty to check out the various river ferries and cruises. We just stood under the Swan Bell Tower to take some pictures since my Uncle mentioned not to waste our money to go in.
The rest of the morning, we just shopped at the selected shops that I told Mom where they sell cheaper souveniors. While waiting for Mom & Dad to purchase their things, I go along each street busy snapping pictures.
We also took the blue CAT ride around to see the route since the last time we were in the CBD, we took the red and yellow CAT already. We stopped at the Museum too since the entrance fee is free.
At 2pm, had our lunch at Hungry Jacks and by 3am head back to Barrack Square to catch a ferry to South Perth Esplanade since it's only AUD1.60 per person, its also a nice way to see the view and the river. Despite the ride is a short less than 15 minutes, it's still something fun to do.
Now, I'm very tired from all the walking and waiting...
Saturday, August 09, 2008
We left the house at about 8am and took a slow drive since I can't drive faster than 70km/hr. I discovered something new about my uncle's Holden which enable me to actually reach the accelerator after all. The secret to it, is to sit lower and not raised the car seat. But, I still can see the road so it's fine to be sitting lower and deeper into the car.
We reached Fremantle close to 9am and all the shops are still closed, there are ample parking space which I feel comfortable to park-in the huge car. But, it's a learning experience to read the various parking-time and the amount we had to pay.
While waiting for the Fremantle market to open, we decided to walk around by foot but it's a bit cold and since I was only in slippers, I can actually feel that my toes are freezed up after a while. We came across one very interesting shop that sell soaps but it's all in the form of cakes. You just won't belief that they are soaps!
Fremantle is a nice place to shop around and we wished we had more time and do not have to rush back for our lunch appointment. As I thought, we are late as I was expected to reach home by 11.30am, I sorta of speed more than 70km/hr. Hope that my uncle won't get any saman out of that speed I was driving in. But, Brandon was late to pick us up as he lost his way and not sure how to get to my Uncle's place.
Aunty Jaq's home is such a nice cottage; with a beautiful garden that grows all kind of plants, herbs and even vegetables. We toured around her garden before lunch. We had so much for lunch and just a pity we had forgotten to bring our cameras with us. Mom is the one most dissapointed because she couldn't capture any picture of Aunty Jaq and her mom for old-time-sake. We left their home close to 4pm and Lily just can't wait to get out of the house. I can understand that feeling because she is a total stranger with them.
Since Aunty Jaq sent us back to my Uncle's home, my parents requested her to come in and continue their catching-up while Lily and I left for Cottlesloe to catch the sunset. Actually, was looking for some fcuk-outlet which my colleague advised me but couldn't find it thus we just hangout at the beach for a while waiting for sunset.
When we got home, Aunty Jaq is still around but she left shortly after that. Dad prepared dinner and we had a late dinner since our lunch was so filling. Tomorrow, I planned to go Margaret River or somewhere further but Dad is not keen on it thus we settled to take the train to Perth CBD since Mom wanted to get more tea-towels and some other souveniors too. Besides that, Lily & I wanted to hitch another route-ride on CATS since we did not cover all of it the last trip in town.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Swan Valley
Swan Valley; the Perth's Valley of Taste. Tourist booklets mentioned that it's 30 minutes away from the Perth CBD by using the Great Northern Highway but since we took the GPRS and also the speed limit is rather slow, it took us close to 45 minutes to reach the historical Guildford town which is actually a small town entrance to Swan Valley.
I just drive along the road with the help of the Map as the GPRS is no longer useful here to assist us. Looking left and right while maintaining the speed limit of 60km/hr, searching for the Sandalford Winery. To my disappointment, there isn't any wines in view, all the plants are black and bald. Even the entrance to this place don't seem open and welcoming. But, we still get down the car and wander around hoping to see some good things. I learned that in winter, there is no wine production too. As Dad remarked the price is not even worth looking, we left the place after taking a few pictures.
Since, I decided to drive along the road with the country-side view on my left and right, at times, Dad had to remind me to watch out the winding road. Hehehe... Occasionally, I will suddenly slow down while checking out the signboards for anything we can visit. We came across a bee farm and we stopped to get pollen and Lily got a bucket of honey. As the owner of the shop told us that her bees are away to another state for pollination, hhhmmm... I have no idea how they migrate but she was describing how the bees when in a vehicle and they were release there... but I still do not understand how the bees will come back to their "home".
The rest of the road, we just drive along and see if there is anywhere we want to go in, we tried to visit a farm with some animals in it and we were told we had to pay AUD$10 per person even to take pictures. I managed to video a black-piglet in a cage too! Since, we managed to get a few shots without paying, we left the farm as it was quite crowded with little children and there is a retarded-home having their recreation-day.
When we came into a big-junction, we decided to u-turn back to Guildford town to visit the Pottery that we passed by earlier. There isn't much thing here to be purchase and see so we walked around a bit and left for home.
My parents suggested we should have a late lunch at Waterford Plaza which is the supermarket they went yesterday as they saw a shop selling very cheap lunch. Since we couldn't really decide what we wanna have, we settled for this supposedly-Malaysian-cheap lunch. Gosh!! I will never want to eat here again...
After lunch, we shop in Coles where I got my favourite cheese-spread and some other things I love to eat and it's cheaper here to eat them. On our way out, we saw a nice shop selling decorative items that I decided to get a "human-holding a cello" made of bolts-nuts-&-screws. Just to add another musical-collection on top of my home's piano.
It was a short-day trip out today... and since we can prepare early dinner later, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics with the big packet of chips I bought earlier. Sounds cozy yea...
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Perth CBD
Once came out from the station, we looked for Murray St. and Hay St. Mall and started to walk thru it, from shops to departmental stores; Target, David Jones, Myers and Reject Shop (here in Australia, it's not a clothes store, it's selling A-Z but small-scale store).
I stumbled over this building called; London Courts that I did not know what it was in the beginning and was eager to find out thinking it was a shop selling watches. But, it turns out to be a mini-street inside with small shops & cafe selling souvenirs and lots of other stuffs. If we have time, I really wanna sit in one of their cafe and drink a cup of tea/coffee while enjoying a magazine or just chatting. When we left the place about 5 minutes, we heard the clock chimes. We ran out from the nearby shop and wanted to get a picture of the Armoured Knights circling the "window" above the clock but we were dismayed for not fast enough. Then, Lily remarked, "No wonder it encrypted on the building:- No Minute Gone Comes Ever Back Again, Take Heed And See Ye Nothing Do In Vain."
We wanted to have lunch in Northbridge (where most of the eateries are) but unfortunately, we did not see anything we like there and of course it was very pricey. So, we head back to Hay St. for Hungry Jacks. Yet another fast food franchise we shall not miss when we are here. *Juicy*Yummie* Hehehe...
After lunch, we decided to take the the three colours CAT around and go to Harbour Town. But Lily got us hop on the opposite side of the Yellow CAT route so we end up visiting the government offices such as the Educational & Health Department. But, we still enjoy the ride and learned thru the ride and just had to waste half hour or more to get to the Harbour Town as planned.
In Harbour Town; a factory outlet with so many good deals from Adidas, Nike, Esprit and etc that Lily & I regretted not coming here first to shop in the morning. We got a few things for ourselves and we were really happy with the bargain we got.
Next, we planned to get to King's Park for the sunset view but unfortunately as we stepped out from Harbour Town, the sky seems a little grey when it's not even 5pm. Tired from the whole day walk, we decided to catch the bas back to call it a day. Unfortunately, we lost track of the time and we got into the after-work-peak-hours crowd. The bas ride was pretty long and by the time we reach the area of 3rd Uncle's house, it's pitch darkness. And sadly, the bas driver did not know the stop we wanted to get down so we had to walk quite a distance back to the house.
Dad had prepared dinner for us when we reached home and they updated us on what they had done the whole day. Mom started of cleaning the house while Dad make lots of lemonade from the lemon tree in the garden and then, they took a walk to the nearby supermarket next to Curtin University to get some groceries.
Somehow, Dad was not keen to visit Margaret River despite that it's constantly being reminded by Sis to do so... Sigh... Finally, I decided we should head to Swan Valley tomorrow! Had a slight-debate night with Dad because he was not comfortable of me driving the Holden out tomorrow. Despite that, Lily & I were excitingly planning and researching for it earlier after dinner. There are the wineries and chocolate factory that we aim for.
Train: Routes
Free Bas Service: CAT
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Perth in a brief
Since it's Lily & my first time to Perth, 3rd uncle decided to bring us around to the nearby suburbs with his almost 2 years-old company-provided Holden. It's a huge car with 3800cc. 3rd Uncle suggested that he is going to show us each place in a brief; like 30 minutes stop each place and then, we can return to the place we like by ourselves other days when he is away to Singapore for his conference.
First destination, at Avon Ascent where we saw a very beautiful sight in front of us and of course, first time seeing pelicans from a very far distance. Unfortunately, when we decided to walk near to it, they already swim further away into the middle of the wide-river.
Second destination - Fremantle waterfront. We walked around the place & the cafes, stopped for a few pictures. And settled down for chips as tea-break at this place call Kailis; voted for their best fish & chips. Surprisingly here, I grew hungry every 1-2 hours. Must be the cold weather that makes me crave for food every hour. The rest of the journey, 3rd Uncle brought us along the coastal road and we get to see beautiful & big mansions and houses.
Third destination - Cottesloe; I had difficulty pronouncing this place's name though. It's a beach and I just cannot belief my eyes when I see lots of people are actually sun-bathing in winter!! Hahaha... but no naked-top/bottom whatsoever in this beach. There are others surfing and children playing the sands and splashing water near the edge of the water.
When we got back, Dad & his brother are enjoying their wine while munching on some nuts and biscuits. Happily chatting away. Even though, it's cold here, I still wanted to have my bath each day. Dinner was cooked by 3rd Uncle and of course, his cooking is marvelous and he prepared it very fast. Amazing, and Dad is learning from him... Mom said when we get back home to Klang, Dad supposed to conquer the kitchen and prepare the meals from now on. Hahaha... I wonder how true that will be, my mom giving up her "palace" aka kitchen. Very doubtful on that!
After dinner, 3rd Uncle brought us out to the Perth CBD and to the King's Park. Due to the Perth Municipals instructing people to save on electricity therefore unfortunately for us, there are no lights at all in the King's Park. It's supposed to be a very beautiful park at night with all the trees lighted up with Christmas lights. Someday, I may get a chance to see it. As we got out of the car, the night wind was so cold that I wore the huge black coat my Sis borrowed me and I looked like a stalker thru the dark-walk-path. Hehehe... We were here for a while, while my 3rd Uncle describe to us the geographical of the place and we stood at a very nice place that overlooks the Perth CBD. My camera did not take good pictures of the night-view though. We even saw a very big-tree that was just planted a few weeks ago which is very unique but since it's dark, we cannot take picture of it. But, it's a tree with two trunks but one root. Can you imagine it? I wonder if their website has a picture of it... but do click into their website and enjoy their beautiful slide pictures.
After touring the whole of King's Park with the car, 3rd Uncle brought us tour around the Perth CBD at night, one street to another street. Advising us which street we should visit tomorrow on our own. Showing us the shops, night clubs and dining restaurants. One funny place called the "Library" is actually a night club. Hehehe... If I was not told by my Uncle, I'll probably think that it's a library with lots of books and I may wanna consider to pay a visit.
As there are not much activities at night in Perth other than the clubs & restaurants, we head back home. 3rd Uncle purposely used the way that passes by the Perth Zoo so that he can show me how to get there if I wanna visit it while he is away. It was fun to learn the roads and listening to him. He even showed us the way how to get to the supermarkets. I hope my brains will remember since it's in vacation-mode. Hehehe...
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Singapore to Perth
Unfortunately, my Uncle didn't realized Lily sms him and that's why she ended up waiting ages for me in the airport. We checked in our luggages and then, returned to Terminal 1 for lunch and later we took the sky-train to Terminal 3 to check out the place since it's a new terminal. As we have insufficient time till our boarding, we couldn't spare much time walking everywhere.
After saying our goodbyes to my Uncle, we checked ourselves into the boarding hall. Funny, I don't recall hearing our flight number called for boarding and then Lily heard our flight number calling for last-call. Ahhh... a little panicked, we ran and ran towards the gate... and gosh... it's far!! And when the steward actually checked our tickets, he mentioned, "The whole plane is waiting for the two of you". I felt embarrassed at that moment... but I think he was just kidding because I still see a few people slowly climbing up the staircase into the plane.
Upon exiting the airport, the cool breeze welcomed us into the night and Mom actually wore quite thick and she was amazed I was not feeling as cold as her. We reached 3rd-uncle's house and we had a late dinner. Just had some to ease the hunger before we decided to get ourselves comfortable in bed. I choose to sleep on the floor in the same room with Lily since I tend to wriggle around when I sleep *chuckled*
Monday, August 04, 2008
Journey Begins..
Got to LCCT and I start my journey to Australia via Singapore budget airline. First flight will be from Kuala Lumpur via Air Asia to Singapore. Had my dinner at MacD before I board my plane. The flight is early and have ample time to get comfortable in our seats. To my much surprised, this flight did not show us the "safety demo-instructions" that all flights are supposed to be compulsory to do. Nevertheless, we landed 15 minutes earlier from the schedule time. Just before I manage to catch a short nap, they had announced us to prepare for landing. Gosh... that's fast!!
Reached Terminal 1 - Changi Airport and it took quite a far distance to reach the custom-point and our luggage collection. My cousin brother had arranged to pick me up. But, we were like playing "hide and seek" in Terminal 2 where he said he wanna grab dinner with Hwee Kuan but turned out we keep moving until we couldn't meet up. Hahaha... It has been a while since I had walked so much in such a wide airport and honestly, I had to catch my breath with all the excitement of landing and getting into a country that is not strange to me at all.
Finally, settled down in Sakae Sushi and catch up with Hwee Kuan & Jeremiah while they had their dinner and I savour a few cups of Japanese tea. I'm just too tired to even move my gum & jaws. After that, we paid Jia Ler a visit at his grandma's place before we head to my Uncle's place for the night. But, my cousin decided to bring me out for a car ride around certain parts of the city and of course, this trip, I made into Chijmes. Hehehe... It's a nice place to have a good & expensive meal. Just so excited about tomorrow...