I'm not being vain to only post pictures of me in them but I'm too lazy to load all of them because this year, it was a big disappointment that our Company's most talented "photographer" couldn't join us. Nevertheless, some food pictures to make you crave for them... I can only see them but did not get to taste them much...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Hawaiian Nite
I'm not being vain to only post pictures of me in them but I'm too lazy to load all of them because this year, it was a big disappointment that our Company's most talented "photographer" couldn't join us. Nevertheless, some food pictures to make you crave for them... I can only see them but did not get to taste them much...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Baby G-Piano
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Elisa's Baptism
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Bika Ambon
Sin Hui my colleague from Medan office bought me this Bika Ambon ("Honeycomb" cake) because I requested her to do so since I love the taste of it when she brought for us the last time. But somehow, this one she bought from the Airport doesn't taste as good as the previous. The texture capture lots of my attention. If you cut the cake horizontal instead, you will see from the top that it looks like "bee hive" and it's amazing to wonder how is it made that way.
Anybody has good Bika Ambon recipe?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Way Back Into Love
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need them again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!
All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs,
I know that it's out there,
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere!
I've been looking for someone to shed some light,
Not somebody just to get me through the night,
I could use some direction,
And I'm open to your suggestions.
All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Kristen wanna have chinese food for her birthday celebration so we had Cantonese Ngee-Yong, Hokkien Mee, Bai-Kut Sang-Mee and Fried Keow Teow. And the best is her birthday cake!! Adorable and cute with different flavouring and colours.
The 3 generation-family portraits with Kristen...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
3 Sekawan : Kuala Selangor

We saw lots of crabs coming in and out from the holes and we tried our best to get some pictures of the mud-skipper but they are too fast a swimmer; actually, all I see was that they hop very fast with their two fins which from a distance, it seems like the fins are their legs. I think they are amphibians rather than fish because they can actually breath in the land or rather they spend most of their time on swamp. Thanks to Yow to my rescue as I got my
foot sinked into the mud thinking that it was a hard-surface which I could try to walk near to the sea-water to wash off some mud stuck to my shoes. Never tried attempting that... that explains why there are squarish-concrete blocks being put for us to actually walk on it till further out to sea on a low-tide hours.
After spending like 30 minutes at this swampy place, we head to Kuala Selangor. Approximately another 25 minutes, we reached the Kuala Selangor district and we looked out for the "Taman Alam" signboards and despite the map that I printed was not a very accurate map, we did not get lost but we reached the Nature Park safely. The first sight of the monkeys welcome us at the entrance. Bought our tickets at the price of RM4 and listen to the guy who managed the place for a short briefing on what we would be expecting to see and what we should not do and etc...

At about 5.3opm, we left and was planning for our next destination; seafood village Pasir Penambang as per the map. I took a wrong turning and the road I was on is heading to Tanjung Karang, thinking that I had took the wrong road, we tried to get a u-turn ahead but instead the cars are zooming by so quickly that I did not dare to do so... instead, we turn into this junction that seems promising and lots of seafood restaurants and with the instinct of "following the road which others all turn-in", I did the same... and the semi-high-weeds road leads me to the seafood village where 2 restaurants are on the tilts over-looking the river serving seafood and some shops selling all kinds of seafood-related products. We walked around to survey and decided on the first restaurant.
Usually, with a view that is out to the sea/river, I'll make sure I get the tables by the edges but all had the tag "Reserved" on it and the waiter got us a place close to the entrance of the toilets and the kitchen and a big aquarium with the biggest Awana fish I ever saw in my attire life. But the crowds seems promising so we did not wanna be choosy. Ordered our food and while watching the fishermen returned home with their catch-of-the-day in their 'sampan' and boats, our food arrived rather quickly... which after we dig into our food... we find them just simply below-normal. Maybe the enthusiasm is not there either because the two buddies that tagged along with me don't fancy "food" as much as I do. But, we all agreed that Telok Gong's tasted so much better and I think the many people that dine into this restaurant, they did not know yet wherelse is better... hehehe... So not-recomended; Seafood Restaurant K.Selangor. Maybe, my next visit to Kuala Selangor, I'll attempt the 2nd restaurant at this village. Sometimes, less crowd can be better overall.
We stopped by for some "souvenir" before we leave the fishing village, I bought the un-cook 'keropok' and two kinds of fish-balls. Smiling with my purchase, we head back to the Kuala Selangor town to get to our mission location; Kampung Kuantan for our most important task, FIREFLIES!! It was 6 km from the main road that we turn into it and it was pitch-dark. So when I feel that I had driven for about 5.5km, I started driving slowly not wanting to missed the turning and to our most surprised, it was a well-lighted up place with a big board writing Fireflies Kampung Kuantan. Hahaha... we were all so amazed that the Selangor tourism actually made it as a very official tourist-spot to welcome us and it's sponsored by TNB.
Bought the tickets for RM10 and wait for our turn and again, I was shocked to see such a big crowd. Hundreds of us... the life-jacket is a stinko but as long as it's safe, no complains. We got into the sampan and upon leaving the jetty, I remarked, "for all we know... the lighted lights are sponsored by TNB and are being hung on the Berembang (mangroves)." And I think the "Abang" that rows the sampan could not bare to listen to my critics and when we saw the mangroves full of the fireflies, he row the sampan closed to the mangroves and we were up-close-&-personal with the insects. It also flew to us and stay a while in our palms.
Nothing is more breathtaking than the sight of millions of fireflies on the berembang trees, stretching a few kilometres along the riverbank. Pictures are impossible to take but the beautiful glittering and twinkling of the flies are indeed very memorable to me and indeed the look-alike "christmas trees" that is often being described were so true. As we had short chats with the "Abang", I was told that there is another location called Kg. Bukit Belimbing about an hour drive towards Tanjung Karang, will have fireflies too. Was thinking of attempting tonight as well but when we u-turn back to the jetty after about 30 minutes, it started to drizzle and by the time we reached the jetty, it starts a heavy pour. We ran for the car and a little wet here and there but it's worth the money and time.
Feeling exhausted from the nature walk and the short-run from the jetty to the car-park, I still attempt to drive us all back to Klang in one piece. It was raining and I just drove 60-70km/hr. I don't usually want to drive at night but tonight, the feeling seems right. Even the timing were all perfect for us... we have our dinner served quickly, we managed to watch the fireflies before it rain... all seems perfect. Driving for 150km today surely will bring me to dreamland soon... Anybody interested to join me for a trip to Bkt Belimbing for Fireflies??
Note: More pictures will be in my Photo Gallery.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Chong Chew Jie Kuai Le
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Dreamy Weekend
Then, I started picturing some walls that are being break down so that, I'll share a living hall with my parent's house so that we can actually have a wider living hall where we can fit our Lee families that come to visit all at the same time despite that I know how much my mom dislike having parties. Then, I even will have the wall break that divides that two houses at the car porch so, we can have more space to park our cars, even accommodating my sister's who will be visiting. And will change a bigger electric-gate that is folder-able which means, the houses sharing one main gate. And I simply love a mini-garden and I'll grow some bamboos and maybe even made a small little pond for some carp and a miniature bird-bath because I sure enjoys having those robins visiting my garden for a bath wherever they feel like having one. And I'll probably have to spend some time with some gardening to grow some beautiful flowers that survive in our Malaysia weather.
As for the room downstairs, I'll probably break it to make a dining space to accommodate a bigger table and some space to make a big store-room to store all the junks in my dad's car booth. Hahaha... I'm sure the "extra space" will be a delight. Of course, I want to have a nice kitchen which display as many cookery, pots, pans, electrical appliances and the list goes on...
I shall blend in the design of the staircase to be like my parent's house so at least, it looks matching from, two stairways; one on the left and one on the right. Oh yes, and not forgetting the plaster ceilings and maybe, if I can even find space to actually buy a baby-grand piano, that is definitely a dream come true!!
The other two extra rooms upstairs will be left as guest rooms or I'll make the smaller one into a study-room where I put shelves for all my books. Am I delighted that I can now display my books on shelves instead of all safely hidden in a box under the bed or in the storeroom.
Hence, today, having the whole house to myself for a couple of hours, I started walking around and drawing pictures in my mind and planning where I should put the furnitures, the tv and God, how much I enjoy my dreamy weekend...
Friday, September 14, 2007
BBQ Lattern Festival

Despite the very much sadness creeps, the excitement for the event enpower me and I was honestly not in much mood to work after 2pm as I was running around, getting things ready with the rest of the committee members and it started to pour heavily around 2plus also. And for the rest of the evening, it was drizzling once a while and by around 7pm, we hang the latterns and I think we really need "them" to lift up the festive-mood.
Overall, it was kinda messy with the things not prepared properly by the Chairlady because I can't be emcee-ing and go arrange the props for the games, right? I have no idea what is the matter but towards the end of the night when I was just sitting and listening to some colleagues' jokes about the "propective bartender", I overheard the big boss thanking the Chairlady and 1 of the staff (who wasn't even the committee) for the event and he left the party. I was almost falling asleep by 9plus and despite I was forced to stay-back to clean up, I did not after hearing what the big boss thanking people who didn't even do anything, my "mood" to continue to stay just vanish with the thin-air that is around me... Me; who yelled my lungs out did not even get a personal thank-you?!?! I had enough of this... I left with much dissapointment inside...
Saturday, September 08, 2007
YM Youth Race
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Methodist Prayer Convention 2007
Theme Song:
We'll walk the land, with hearts on fire,
And every step will be a prayer
Hope is rising, new day dawning,
Sound of singing fills the air.
Two thousand years and still the flame
Is burning bright across the land,
Hearts are waiting, longing, aching,
For awakening to the Lord.
Let the flame burn brighter
In the heart of the darkness,
Turning night to glorious day
Let the song grow louder
As our love grows stronger,
Let it shine, let it shine.
We'll walk for truth, speak out for love
In Jesus' name, we shall be strong
To lift the fallen, to save the children,
To fill the nation with you song

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Did not get any chance to speak to the bride herself but it was nice to meet up the "boys-next door", they sure grew to be young men that even if I see them in the mall, it will be very hard for me to recognize them. Hehehe...

Friday, August 31, 2007
Kristen & Elisa
Hehehe... not that I'm that patriotic to blog about the 50th Independence of Malaysia. But I was so-looking forward to the public holiday and the long weekend that I started counting the days till 31st August 2007 since about 3 weeks ago.
We at home are having a feast as my sister and her family are visiting us since she had not done so for the last 3 months and I'm as delighted as anyone to be able to see Elisa and also to catch up on some good times with Kristen. And of course, my grandma and my 2 aunties joined us for the feast too. Just a small-feast where I think my mom spend hours preparing and cooking and at the end, due to some reasons, we all eat-separately whereby Kristen started and I followed after 15 minutes and then, half way thru, my grandma and aunts came to the table. Somehow, it was so different then the usual luncheon or dinner we used to have. But, who cares? No big-a-deal.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
So, here goes, a little peep into the movie: Trailer
A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely and certainly unwanted visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down. Remy finds himself torn between his calling and passion in life or returning forever to his previous existence as a rat. He learns the truth about friendship, family and having no choice but to be who he really is, a rat who wants to be a chef. (Full Story)
My personal opinion about the movie:
Before today, I seriously do not know what Ratatouille means other than reading the synopsis of the movie and also watching it. The movie was good in the sensed that it makes me laughed quite a fair bit until my mom was questioning me why am I laughing all by myself at the upstairs-mini-hall where I watched it on the Desktop. While watching, my imagination got a little bizzard in the ways like, I really cannot imagine a rat "cooking" and touching the spices and the food in a real human-world. I have always had the "arm-hair-rising" feeling whenever my mom used to "trap" the rats in our old-house's backyard and I had always remember that "tingling" feelings that lingers for a while whenever I see the new-born mice hidden in some corners in some dark spot. Despite that it's just a movie but always my imagination runs to an extend that I cannot myself imagine for the whole duration of the movie. Overall, I don't find Remy cute; it's a rat without clothes on and it's just like any rats you see running around the backstreet at night hunting for rubbish to eat.
Almost towards the last 20 minutes, then only the rat cooked the dish "ratatouille" and to me, it looks like "lasagna" when they were preparing it for the food critic. And when it's served, it's like layers of potatoe-slices arranged one layer after another layer and a sauce is being dressed on it. Watching and talking about it even makes my stomach rumbles and mouth-watering now. How I hope one day when I'm in Paris, I can try it.
When you watch it the motto of the movie is "Anyone Can Cook" by Gusteau and I could not agree more with him. If we have the passion, all of us can cook and when one cook with their heart and touch, the food automatically tastes good. "So, all the cook/chef out there... cook because you love it and not cook just because you had to... there are zillions of people who will sincerely enjoy your food."
So, the true meaning of "Ratatouille" seems quite far resembles to the one served in the movie. Ratatouille : If you click and check out the picture and if you have watch the movie, I think you will agree with me too. So, any French would like to comment on this? Which is real or should I take the movie for being just a movie or the true meaning of the food lies on who cook it?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Company Study-Trip
Few days before the trip, I was told about the 3 days itinerary and when I first glance thru, I almost fainted to read it. How can one possible travel 9 airports within 60 hours?!?! It's CRAZY!!! And when I asked the Secretary about the accommodation, she told me she had no idea because it's arranged by Medan office. And for the rest of the month before the trip, I'm not being told about anything and when Benny finally came into the office a few days before the trip, I got a chance to ask him why I needed to go Kalimantan and then, he told me that he wants me to see the condition of the place and I'll be in-charge of the Shipping & Logistics of Medan branch in the near future. Despite that, my mind is still not at peace as there are so many question marks in my brain:- Where am I going to stay? What am I going to do there? How should I pack my clothes? Formal? Casual? Etc... Somehow, I was NOT looking forward to the trip.
So, some people at office gave very positive remarks like, "Wow, you going to travel on Dato's private plane!" and "You're so lucky that you get to travel to Kalimantan." And I was like, "Huh?? Kalimantan? It's a jungle lar... what so great?" and a few nights before I depart, I was actually surfing and browsing thru the internet looking for more information and honestly, I can't find anything!! Anyway, by Sunday, I was all prepared and I just told myself, no matter what it is... I have to face it anyway because it's part of the job now.
Route: Subang-Batam Island-Belitung Island-Pontianak-Pangkalan Bun-Balikpapan-Kalimarau-Balikpapan-Kuching-Subang.
(Click picture to enlarge)
23rd July 2007:
My alarm was set for 4.45am and it took me another 10minutes to get myself out of bed. Had a mug of coffee to keep me awake so I won't fall asleep when I drive to office to meet the rest at 6am. Everyone was quite punctual despite that I arrived the earliest. We left for Subang Terminal 3 airport shortly after everyone arrived. We waited with other other passengers that are traveling to one of the Berjaya Resort. At 7am, we met the 2 Captains who escorted us to the custom and the private plane.

While they clear our passports, we head out from the plane to the airport for some breakfast at 8.15am. The rest are very eager to introduced me to the Indonesian's traditional food. So, I had a chance to try some "Lontong" and I ordered myself "Indo Mee Sapi". Both were okie as I very much miss Indo-Mee from my days when I'm in PNG. Depart Batam Island at 9.05am and reached Belitung Island within another 45 minutes of flight. Some staffs from the Taiko Plantation met us at the airport and picked us up with their 4-wheel to their Jetty & a bumpy ride to their Estates to meet up the Estates Manager. It's been raining in Belitung Island for the last 5 days so some places are flooded. After admiring the Jetty and having a short tour round the Oil Palm factory, we left for lunch at a town called Kelapa Kampit before we depart for Pontianak. Lunch was marvelous despite that the seafood are not fresh, prepared by one of the Teochew-Indo shop.

24th July 2007:
As I was confused with the 1 hour time difference, I had to double-checked with Benny last night on the breakfast and departing time. Lucky, I could sleep 1 hour extra since it's 1 hour behind at Pontianak. I had to set my alarm for 5.50am but, I did not sleep very well because my cautious-mind kept waking me and making me feel that I'll overslept. Breakfast was okie as I ate lots of sausages and I avoided any dairy products for this whole trip. Departed Pontianak airport at 8am.
The whole trip to Pangkalan Bun, Mr Leong was giving lectures to the men on business theories, how to venture into new products, cultivate and purchase new plots of land in Indonesia... And I was just stealing some beauty sleeps while he lecture away... We reached Pangkalan Bun around 9am and we waited very long for our passport to be return to us. So, we decided not to wait but to visit the port and the warehouse. The roads at this place is very bad... the whole trip, it was bumpy and somehow, my back hurts quite a fair bit but Mr Leong ordered me to sit at the back with the excuse that I have short legs and the rest of the bigger size or taller men should not sit behind. Doesn't mean I'm young means, I have to torture my bones, right?! Urrgghh...
Since, the weather was bad after we depart the warehouse, we decided to have our lunch in the town while waiting for the rain to stop. At 1.25pm, we depart Pangkalan Bun's airport as our schedule was brought forward due to no other places to visit. Besides, I'm sick of the bumpy road and I was feeling a little car-sick because I need to sit behind.
At 2.45pm, we reached Balikpapan. Here, seems so much better as compare to all the other places I had visited in Kalimantan. As usual, we visit the ports and take a look at the conditions. Not much activity or company for us to visit, so we were allow to have our own time right after we check-into Le Grandeur Hotel. Upon arrival, I saw the beach and sea, how I regretted to change my mind to leave my swim-wear behind. I think the rest of the day, I was pretty despair and upset with the "men" and I think I choose not to blog about it much...
After dinner, I had some time for my own-self and since it has a bath-tub, I happily sock myself in the warm water that I added some shower gel and hoping, my aching bones can be comforted. As I was preparing to shower, I checked out the massage price but, with the amount of cash I have, I can't afford one. Anyway, hotel massage & spa are always more pricey. I dozed off into dreamland while watching Bones on the TV and again, my cautious-mind will wake me a few times in the night...

25th July 2007:
Since Balikpapan have the same time zone as Malaysia, I had to wake up at 5am and I ordered room service to have my breakfast at 5.20am. At 6.10am, we check-out the hotel and as usual, I have to wait for the "men" and by 7am, we board the private plane again for Kalimarau. Weather has been bad and lots of cloud, we were unable to land in Kalimarau despite that the Captain attempted 2 times to try to find the runway to land but due to the thick clouds, we were unable to do so. So, we u-turn back to Balikpapan for custom clearance and we had the special treatment to hang-out and rest at the Lounge which serve plenty of food. Yummie...
By 10.15am we depart Balikpapan for Kuching to refill fuel and for custom procedure to enter Malaysia again. The whole time, I'm on the plane, I had to get as much sleep as possible since I have not drink a single drop of coffee for 2 days. Reached Kuching about 11.30am and the treatment that we received were so bad!! Nobody actually offered to bring us any umbrella since it's drizzling and to think about that this year, it's Visit Malaysia and since we flew in with a private plane, shouldn't we have a little special treatment?!?! The Indonesia airport's staffs all greeted us with smiles and a hand-shake, why can't Malaysian do that as well?
After 45 minutes in Kuching private plane airport, we depart for Subang. Sad to say, I did not get any chance to see the town but just transit because the branch staffs were busy with their daily tasks that they were not too free to meet us up for lunch. Since, our visit to Kuching was not a plan trip before and due to the previous cancellation, I thought I can go home was I landed in Subang but somehow, the "men" return to office except the MD. So, without any further debate, I only left office at 5.30pm.
Overall, I did not learn anything in this trip, I presume the Management thought that the condition of Kalimantan will be an eye opener for me but since I had been to PNG, what is Kalimantan?? Just simply a "smaller-fly" with similar condition but not as bad as PNG. I had seen the worst as compare to Kalimantan. Guessed, the Management must be thinking that, it's a waste to send me to Kalimantan and had easily cost them USD5000 for the 3 days trip whereby, they could have sent someone else whom they can really "open" their eyes. The bad weather also really make the trip not so pleasant and till now, I'm still feeling the jet-lag. Not only I didn't learn anything in particular new but my backpain is back!! *sobs sobs*
People said, we can learn a lot about another person thru trips or vacations together and that is so true! This trip make me see the true colours of the Management. I simply dislike the way they treated me the whole trip, they mentioned that they "spoilt" me since I'm the only "rose" among the "thorns" but why I need them to spoilt me?? I do not need them to treat me like a "kiddo". They instructed me this and that but NEVER want to even listen to a simple advice/opinion that I give them. Sometime, on the 2nd day of the trip, I completely shut my mouth and was already showing my sour face I presume I couldn't hide about it further. Guessed, this trip really let me feel awful and to a much bigger surprise for myself, I really missed my home, my family and mom's cooking to the extend of just after 1 day.

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Quality Time
But this weekend, I had an awesome quality time with her because we visited her house after church to see the new born baby Elisa and I brought along my swimming-gadgets so that I could spend some time in the pool as well while others are fussing over the baby.
I walked to the pool around 3pm and there were 2 parties going on by the pool-side so there were lots of kids around. With so much ripple in the pool, I'm kinda a little fear of it... so, I kept myself safely by the edges. Around 4plus, Kristen joined me with her grandma's close-inspection by the pool side. We had a really good time especially Kristen who loves to splash the water to my face. When it was time to get out of the pool, Kristen took ages to do so... She was trying so many times on the "diving-distance", trying to get the furthest and every time she mentioned, "the last time...", some how the "last time" did not happened to be the last. Hahaha...
When she finally got out of the pool, her grandma towel-dried her but she refused to change into her dry clothes with the excuse that, "Aunty Faith also did not change..." Uh-oh... I'm to be blame?! She even refused to wrap in the towel on the way up. I decided to join her in the bathroom where her grandma was planning to bath for her but I told her I'll do it for Kristen instead since I'm already wet. I'm sure showering a kid will somehow get the adult wet as well. Her grandma hesitated a few times but I insisted on it... Besides, I'm thinking... in status, I'm already an aunty so what is so concern about shower my own niece, right? Not like I could drown her?
Anyway, Kristen played with a bar of soap and even rubbed the soap on my body a few times remarking, "You wash my hair, I soap you too..." and she even asked me to remove my swimming-suit when I removed hers. Gosh.. hehehe... no way will she get the chance to see my naked body!! But, we were like chuckling and laughing in the bathroom that my mom came into the shower and nagged, "Quick... don't play around... it's time we go home too... it's late..."
Yeeaaahhh... I'm tired for the day with a big smile on my face...
"I'm d Big Sister"
Friday, June 08, 2007
Here Comes the Baby Girl