Few days before the trip, I was told about the 3 days itinerary and when I first glance thru, I almost fainted to read it. How can one possible travel 9 airports within 60 hours?!?! It's CRAZY!!! And when I asked the Secretary about the accommodation, she told me she had no idea because it's arranged by Medan office. And for the rest of the month before the trip, I'm not being told about anything and when Benny finally came into the office a few days before the trip, I got a chance to ask him why I needed to go Kalimantan and then, he told me that he wants me to see the condition of the place and I'll be in-charge of the Shipping & Logistics of Medan branch in the near future. Despite that, my mind is still not at peace as there are so many question marks in my brain:- Where am I going to stay? What am I going to do there? How should I pack my clothes? Formal? Casual? Etc... Somehow, I was NOT looking forward to the trip.
So, some people at office gave very positive remarks like, "Wow, you going to travel on Dato's private plane!" and "You're so lucky that you get to travel to Kalimantan." And I was like, "Huh?? Kalimantan? It's a jungle lar... what so great?" and a few nights before I depart, I was actually surfing and browsing thru the internet looking for more information and honestly, I can't find anything!! Anyway, by Sunday, I was all prepared and I just told myself, no matter what it is... I have to face it anyway because it's part of the job now.
Route: Subang-Batam Island-Belitung Island-Pontianak-Pangkalan Bun-Balikpapan-Kalimarau-Balikpapan-Kuching-Subang.
(Click picture to enlarge)
23rd July 2007:
My alarm was set for 4.45am and it took me another 10minutes to get myself out of bed. Had a mug of coffee to keep me awake so I won't fall asleep when I drive to office to meet the rest at 6am. Everyone was quite punctual despite that I arrived the earliest. We left for Subang Terminal 3 airport shortly after everyone arrived. We waited with other other passengers that are traveling to one of the Berjaya Resort. At 7am, we met the 2 Captains who escorted us to the custom and the private plane.

While they clear our passports, we head out from the plane to the airport for some breakfast at 8.15am. The rest are very eager to introduced me to the Indonesian's traditional food. So, I had a chance to try some "Lontong" and I ordered myself "Indo Mee Sapi". Both were okie as I very much miss Indo-Mee from my days when I'm in PNG. Depart Batam Island at 9.05am and reached Belitung Island within another 45 minutes of flight. Some staffs from the Taiko Plantation met us at the airport and picked us up with their 4-wheel to their Jetty & a bumpy ride to their Estates to meet up the Estates Manager. It's been raining in Belitung Island for the last 5 days so some places are flooded. After admiring the Jetty and having a short tour round the Oil Palm factory, we left for lunch at a town called Kelapa Kampit before we depart for Pontianak. Lunch was marvelous despite that the seafood are not fresh, prepared by one of the Teochew-Indo shop.

24th July 2007:
As I was confused with the 1 hour time difference, I had to double-checked with Benny last night on the breakfast and departing time. Lucky, I could sleep 1 hour extra since it's 1 hour behind at Pontianak. I had to set my alarm for 5.50am but, I did not sleep very well because my cautious-mind kept waking me and making me feel that I'll overslept. Breakfast was okie as I ate lots of sausages and I avoided any dairy products for this whole trip. Departed Pontianak airport at 8am.
The whole trip to Pangkalan Bun, Mr Leong was giving lectures to the men on business theories, how to venture into new products, cultivate and purchase new plots of land in Indonesia... And I was just stealing some beauty sleeps while he lecture away... We reached Pangkalan Bun around 9am and we waited very long for our passport to be return to us. So, we decided not to wait but to visit the port and the warehouse. The roads at this place is very bad... the whole trip, it was bumpy and somehow, my back hurts quite a fair bit but Mr Leong ordered me to sit at the back with the excuse that I have short legs and the rest of the bigger size or taller men should not sit behind. Doesn't mean I'm young means, I have to torture my bones, right?! Urrgghh...
Since, the weather was bad after we depart the warehouse, we decided to have our lunch in the town while waiting for the rain to stop. At 1.25pm, we depart Pangkalan Bun's airport as our schedule was brought forward due to no other places to visit. Besides, I'm sick of the bumpy road and I was feeling a little car-sick because I need to sit behind.
At 2.45pm, we reached Balikpapan. Here, seems so much better as compare to all the other places I had visited in Kalimantan. As usual, we visit the ports and take a look at the conditions. Not much activity or company for us to visit, so we were allow to have our own time right after we check-into Le Grandeur Hotel. Upon arrival, I saw the beach and sea, how I regretted to change my mind to leave my swim-wear behind. I think the rest of the day, I was pretty despair and upset with the "men" and I think I choose not to blog about it much...
After dinner, I had some time for my own-self and since it has a bath-tub, I happily sock myself in the warm water that I added some shower gel and hoping, my aching bones can be comforted. As I was preparing to shower, I checked out the massage price but, with the amount of cash I have, I can't afford one. Anyway, hotel massage & spa are always more pricey. I dozed off into dreamland while watching Bones on the TV and again, my cautious-mind will wake me a few times in the night...

25th July 2007:
Since Balikpapan have the same time zone as Malaysia, I had to wake up at 5am and I ordered room service to have my breakfast at 5.20am. At 6.10am, we check-out the hotel and as usual, I have to wait for the "men" and by 7am, we board the private plane again for Kalimarau. Weather has been bad and lots of cloud, we were unable to land in Kalimarau despite that the Captain attempted 2 times to try to find the runway to land but due to the thick clouds, we were unable to do so. So, we u-turn back to Balikpapan for custom clearance and we had the special treatment to hang-out and rest at the Lounge which serve plenty of food. Yummie...
By 10.15am we depart Balikpapan for Kuching to refill fuel and for custom procedure to enter Malaysia again. The whole time, I'm on the plane, I had to get as much sleep as possible since I have not drink a single drop of coffee for 2 days. Reached Kuching about 11.30am and the treatment that we received were so bad!! Nobody actually offered to bring us any umbrella since it's drizzling and to think about that this year, it's Visit Malaysia and since we flew in with a private plane, shouldn't we have a little special treatment?!?! The Indonesia airport's staffs all greeted us with smiles and a hand-shake, why can't Malaysian do that as well?
After 45 minutes in Kuching private plane airport, we depart for Subang. Sad to say, I did not get any chance to see the town but just transit because the branch staffs were busy with their daily tasks that they were not too free to meet us up for lunch. Since, our visit to Kuching was not a plan trip before and due to the previous cancellation, I thought I can go home was I landed in Subang but somehow, the "men" return to office except the MD. So, without any further debate, I only left office at 5.30pm.
Overall, I did not learn anything in this trip, I presume the Management thought that the condition of Kalimantan will be an eye opener for me but since I had been to PNG, what is Kalimantan?? Just simply a "smaller-fly" with similar condition but not as bad as PNG. I had seen the worst as compare to Kalimantan. Guessed, the Management must be thinking that, it's a waste to send me to Kalimantan and had easily cost them USD5000 for the 3 days trip whereby, they could have sent someone else whom they can really "open" their eyes. The bad weather also really make the trip not so pleasant and till now, I'm still feeling the jet-lag. Not only I didn't learn anything in particular new but my backpain is back!! *sobs sobs*
People said, we can learn a lot about another person thru trips or vacations together and that is so true! This trip make me see the true colours of the Management. I simply dislike the way they treated me the whole trip, they mentioned that they "spoilt" me since I'm the only "rose" among the "thorns" but why I need them to spoilt me?? I do not need them to treat me like a "kiddo". They instructed me this and that but NEVER want to even listen to a simple advice/opinion that I give them. Sometime, on the 2nd day of the trip, I completely shut my mouth and was already showing my sour face I presume I couldn't hide about it further. Guessed, this trip really let me feel awful and to a much bigger surprise for myself, I really missed my home, my family and mom's cooking to the extend of just after 1 day.

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