"Selamat Pengantin Baru"
In my lifetime, today is the 2nd time I attended a "kenduri" (Malay-wedding) and this is the first I was officially invited with an invitation card. Congratulation to Erni & Izar and not forget Uncle Rosli & Aunty Zaitun.

They are my ex-neighbour when I was still staying in Taman Klang Jaya, I grew up about 20 over years there. They moved to Sri Andalas a few years before my family moved and somehow, after high-school, Erni and I did not keep in touch anymore. We used to go to MGS together as our parents' car pool to fetch us to school daily. So, today my family are invited to attend the "Kenduri" at their home. Was I excited about it as I'm curious to witness the ceremony. But, was a little shocked to find the buffet table lined up with lots of food that are all spicy and red in colour. Hhmmm... the beef was good...
Did not get any chance to speak to the bride herself but it was nice to meet up the "boys-next door", they sure grew to be young men that even if I see them in the mall, it will be very hard for me to recognize them. Hehehe...

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