Left for work at 6.40am and guessed what time I reach office?! At 8.30am; the time I start work... I'm taking Kesas Highway to work and gosh... there is an accident and I'm just stuck there for like almost 2 hours... this is getting unbelievable... On top of that, my petrol-tank is showing the "E" sign in Orange & I was worried dead for like 25 minutes as the petrol-kiosk is so near but yet so far...
As I'm stuck in the car, listening to the radio this morning seems very sad and disturbed by the earthquake in China and the typhoon in Myammar which everyone are talking about it... you hear it on radios and you read them in newspaper... Somehow, the DJs were saying we should start appreciating what we have around us and how fortunate to those who are safe in our land.
To some, they started cutting down their luxurious lifestyle and to some who enjoy no luxurious in life because they are saving for the "rainy-days", they start spending and buying things for themselves. There is no right or no wrong moves or actions to one but then again... all these have somehow strike each one of us to behave the opposite of what we used to be.
Today, I felt emotionally weird... I lost my concentration at work... thinking of my love ones, thinking of myself... I'm so tired... I left office sharp at 5.30pm because I think I don't wanna get stuck yet in another traffic jam and despite that I managed to reach home within 40minutes with all the traffic-lights being green all the way thru... smoothly, I'm thinking... why so many of us actually spend so much time with work?!?! What can "it" really give us at the end of our journey?
There is a saying that my sister always tells me, "We cannot bury our treasures with us in the grave... what God gave to us today, has to be blessed to the others as well..." May it be LOVE & SWEAT and not necessary MONEY... but we got to bless others with what we could for them.
We work hard when we're young to achieve what we want in future.
When you are young, when you have two legs and two hands to work, you work hard and smart to achieve a financial stability for your older age.
No doubt you cant bring your treasure when you leave this world, but while you are still in this world, you want to enjoy the best of things.
To achieve that, you work hard for it. Then again, you have to balance between work and play.
My phrase in life .."work hard, play hard" ...
There is no black or white; right or wrong of how one should lead and act in this world. :)
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