~*~ 12th May 2008 ~*~
Woke up at 3.30am to get ready and prepare breakfast for the journey. Managed to grab a quick coffee since I had to drive 3 hours to Lumut, its advisable for me to do so... Picked Scott up at Subang about 4.40am and the drive from my home to his is not pleasant as the haze is back in Kesas Highway... it makes me feel sleepy by just driving thru that kind of condition.
It was pitch-darkness as I'm taking the Kapar road towards Kuala Selangor and Sitiawan before Lumut. There are not much street-lamps and I find it pretty difficult to be driving in the dark on the coastal/village road despite that most of the route is double-lane. At about 7am... the place looks familiar with the paddy fields and I had to stopped by the petrol-kiosk to get a refill. And I was told by the Storekeeper that it's an hour drive to Lumut Jetty.
Since, we had to be at the Pangkor Laut Resort Lumut-office 15 minutes before the ferry departs at 8am, Scott decided to take over the wheels as he said I drove very slow... hehehe... Better safe than sorry, right?
15 minutes before 8am, I had to call up the office to inform them to wait for us as we couldn't make it on time due to the slight traffic with all the heavy vehicles in front of us along the way. I was advised that the ferry could only wait for us 5 minutes. Lucky, we managed to get there by 8am. There is no special parking lots for Pangkor Laut Resort but we were asked to park at the covered parking lots that I had the comfortable feeling that its safe as there are many other expensive cars park there. And since its well-covered and looks new, I don't have to worry...
We walked to the Lumut Jetty and the ferry is ready to move by then... We are the only guests and the rest of the people are the resort's staffs. The journey on the closed-air conditional ferry is smooth and we took an hour to arrive Pangkor Laut Resort. Only when, I'm just trying to get a nap in the ferry that I recalled I forgotten to bring my swimming-suit. Gosh!! How could I be so forgetful!! Indeed for the last 2 nights, I had been thinking quite a lot about some personal issues that I had totally lost my mind and had been so careless... how could I forget something as important as a swimming-suit when I'm heading to an island for a vacation?!?!
We were greeted and escorted by a Japanese lady name Yuko who happened to work in this resort as a trainee. I had difficulties understanding her but I just somehow had to dismiss it...
We were given the Hill Villa and it's quite a walk from the Reception... but the view is okie, a little bit blocked by a big tree right in the middle of the balcony. We take some time to study the mini-booklet which comes with a map and the restaurants that we can dine in... After a short rest in the villa, we decided to go check out the resorts and also visited the Emerald Bay. As and when we need to go to the Emerald Bay, we just inform the Reception and the pick-up will come. The journey will take about 5-10 minutes up the hill and down the hill to other other side of the island where the Bay is.
Was planning to drop by the Batik shop but it was close for lunch. So, after surveying the Emerald Bay, we head back to the pool side to have our lunch at Royal Bay Beach Club. Only realized that we can actually have our lunch at Emerald Bay as well but we were already back to the other side of the island. Took me a while to remember the dining places which our package paid for... While waiting for our food to arrive, it was nice just to sit at the cozy-lazy rattan chair and just enjoy the sea breeze, the pool view and the occasionally calls of the tree-bats. Surprised that the tree-bats are out in the noon and making quite a loud noise with their peers.
After lunch, we got back to our room to have a nap since I really need one... Dozed off instantly with the TV at the background... our room cannot hear a single sound of the wave which I'm kinda disappointed... But, I guessed, if one can afford to pay more for the Beach Villa, it will be highly recommended as compare to the Sea Villa. My personal preference though...
After a short and sufficient nap, we decided to take a dip and play around in our huge-bathtub in our private-open-courtyard. We added the crystal-salts from the sea that was written to heal us from aches and all sorts. It took us ages to fill up the "mini-pool" aka bathtub. Occasionally, the leaves and fruits from the forest trees will dropped inside. And the most uncomfortable thing is that there are thousands of black ants crawling from the walls to the floor and everywhere... Eeiii...
Hillarious-sight, we were visited by several forest creatures none other than the monkey!! Kakaka... It was one at first, then two and then three... They came to watch us play... I was worried that they will decide to jump down to the mini-garden next to the bathtub but Scott said they are too afraid of water. So, I prayed that they don't just sit up at the roof and pee to us to add the spice...
Around 5pm, we dropped by Jim Thompson as we saw some beautiful things inside which are on 70% sale. I fall in love with several things which turns out not to be on sale. I came across a white-top with elephants print which it's on sale, but Scott said it's just simple... Since, I had to get a new swimming-suit, so I have decided to forgo this top even though I will still constantly think of it every time we passed by the boutique to go up to our room. Kekeke...
Next, we stopped by the souvenir shop to get my swimming-suit. The price range are shockingly expensive but I think to some extend, I cannot not buy one piece to get myself into the pool & sea-waters. Took me a while to buy something I like and I immediately put it on and just get the staff to cut the tags away for me. Happy with my purchase, we strolled our way to the poolside for the refreshing swim.
First, I went into the jacuzzi just to get the pressure to massage my body and tummy. Suddenly a Horn-Bill flew by and sat close to where I was. It is a beautiful bird!! I never seen one up-close before. Then, took a short swim at the pool but the depth was 1.45m which I find it difficult and not at my comfort zone as I'm tip-toeing in it. Didn't spend much time in it and instead decided to head to Emerald Bay as I saw the sun is heading towards the other side of the island.
Toweled dried ourselves and walked to the Reception again... Each facilities from one another is quite a distance so there are quite a lot of walking involved. For me who hardly walk for my daily-life, may feel a bit tiring... We are the only Malaysian-local couple here at this resort as we are surrounded by many Europeans, Indians, Japanese & Koreans.
Since we were heading to pool & sea side, I did not bring along my camera... thinking that moments should be capture both in my heart and my brain and somehow, I don't feel like taking pictures today... The chauffeur told us that it's a bit cloudy and we may not see a good sunset. We found our beach-chairs and after Scott went to prepare the chairs with towels, we head out to the bay to get a feel of the water. The waves are scary for me... it may be simply just small for Scott but its huge for me. I won't dare to go out much and just catch a few small wave by the beach-side...
As sunset is approaching, I saw a small cruise that carries the other guests who paid for their Sunset Cruise but sadly enough, the sunset was not much to be seen. Myself, I had a great-time laughing at Scott who is trying to catch the crabs and wanting to "fight" them. We managed to caught 2 at different times and unfortunately, we had no pail and 1 of them ran away when we caught the 2nd one. Hehehe... that was hilarious and it's my first experience to catch and run after crabs like this... There was an Indian couple who saw us having some fun with the crabs and the guy got curious and decided to bring his camera and wanna a few snapshots with Scott holding the crab. He was too afraid to hold them though... I got my courage to hold the crab but Scott is always bullying me in some ways or the other and squeaking to make a better effect to scare me.
At about 7.30pm, we left Emerald Bay and head back to our room to shower and get ready for our dinner at Feast Village. We wanted to have continental meals but unfortunately the other restaurant; Uncle Lim is closed on Monday & Wednesday. We opt for a table by the front that faced the PLR's jetty thinking that the sea-breeze will be comforting but unfortunately it's very dark and my camera can't take much pictures... and there isn't much breeze either. I enjoyed my dinner very much though.
After dinner, we took a stroll to the PLR jetty and we could hear the opposite island's activities; someone is singing karaoke or probably there is a live band. On our side, PLR is quiet and dead... just could hear people chattering happily in the Feast Village while waiting for their bedtime... Scott wanted to check his emails and surf the net so we head to the Library. While he is surfing, I went to get a book to read... I was so tired that I dozed of about 11pm and Scott still lingering around the room with his night-coffee and TV programs.
~*~ 13th May 2008 ~*~
I was up by 6 in the morning, even on vacation but my brain-clock is still tune to the daily-wake-up time... But I continue to laze around in bed and watch some cartoons while I dozed off to sleep again. By 7plus, I woke up and we head out for breakfast at Feast Village. Today, we selected a table by the koi-fish pond and discovered that we had to walk a distance to get our food. Hehehe... There are a huge selection of food and indeed I couldn't even taste all of them. I was full despite that I'm so tempted to get more... Occasionally, Scott and I will throw some bread that I toasted from the bakery-corner for the koi-fish.
Since we are early for breakfast, there isn't anyone around except their own staffs who are also dining in... probably everyone slept-in late as breakfast will be served till 11am. I went around with my camera to take pictures and I even took the Chinese-herbs in their individual jars. How I wished they could label them so I can also know each of their names. We even checked out the other restaurant and bar which we can't dine in as it's not in our package unless we wanna pay for them... It's such a romantic and soothing ambiance with candles everywhere... But I don't know what's the name of the restaurant.
On our way back to our room, there are few monkeys swinging everywhere and running around. One of them actually tried to made-out with the other one and somehow it was pushed away. One of the monkey actually came so close to us and posing for me to take a picture of it. After taking a short walk towards the Suite, we went back into our villa to watch TV and continue our beauty-sleep. Close to noon, we walked down to the pick-up area to Emerald Bay; thinking that usually we will be lucky to get one without requesting it. But to our dismay, nothing came... so, Scott went to request it from the Reception. Despite that, we still waited very long for it to come and so I went around taking pictures and Scott had to check second time from the Reception. Guessed, lunch time, the drivers are limited and are having their meals.
Once at Emerald Bay, I continue to take pictures and video of the place and settled down by the beach-chair with my book. Several times, Scott asked me to tag along with him to the sea and catch the waves but it was too scary for me to actually wanna go in... Instead, I stood at the edges and try to take some pictures of Scott catching and playing with the big-waves. I know Scott is not having much fun doing it all alone as the rest of the couples are doing it together in the sea... so, he grabbed me and carried me into the sea and I was wailing to be release and begging him from getting me into it. Everyone at the beach were kinda looking at me thinking if I had drown or something caught me and finally Scott, let me out of his grips and from that moment, it's pure silence between us for a long time.
By 3pm, Scott asked me if I'm hungry and we should order our lunch to be brought to our beach-chair area... The meal was so huge that I almost fainted when they brought them to the beach-table. I cannot imagine how to finish them... and to be honest, this resort restaurants are not good at cooking and preparing their western-food... And I got quite annoyed with their waiter at Chapman's Bar because he can't even understand our English as he take our orders and we can't even understand his... sigh...
So full from lunch that I told Scott, I need to walk around... I checked out the Batik shop and I came across a very nice piece but the price again make me squeak. And I feel myself being so poor knowing & feeling that I couldn't own it. So, we arrange for the pick-up and we head to the Spa Village as that's the other part of the resort/island that we have not discover and check it out...
At the Spa Village, not only they have the various spa-treatments and the villas, they also have a souvenir shop and Jamu Bar that served Japanese food. Other than the Uncle Lim & Fisherman's Cove at the other side, this area has a better pool facilities. And the depth is too my much delight!! After checking out and walking around the area... we decided to go into the sea as Scott wanna collect some corals and shells.
Again, I love the calmness of the sea at this area. They don't have a name to this bay but I really love this beach... As I swim a fair bit in the sea and suddenly, Scott came across some fishes by the rocks which I earlier warned him to be careful on his steps... Here, the waters are so clear that we can see thru till the bottom of it... Scott decided to sacrifice his "fish-shape" cookies for the fishes in the sea. I was laughing at him and asking him, "How can you feed fish-shape cookies to the small fish? They won't be afraid of it?" and he remarked that the fishes are not friendly and dare not eat from his hand... So, we tried breaking them up to tiny-pieces and eventually, they came close to us for the food...
At this moment, I'm so happy that we got into this part of the island and I'm also lucky enough to see fishes swimming across my legs, caught one up and managed to get a picture of it... It's difficult to get pictures in the sea with my camera so I gave up on that... Scott suddenly throw a handful of the cookies about 1m away and suddenly, baby-sharks are eating them. WOW!! I didn't see it at first until he pointed his fingers and when the baby-sharks actually jump up to the surface for more food. Then, I started seeing other species of fish, the zebra-stripe fish, some mini-transparent fish that went hopping around like dolphins on the surface of the sea... All this was so so marvelous!! And indeed we are surprised that Pangkor Laut does have the beauty of it as well... Scott also pointed out a sea-cucumber to me and he said it's ticklish for him to catch it up for me... so, instead he took a stone to push it to the beach... it was so long in the sea-based and when it finally reach the beach, it shrink double its previous size. I started to stroke with my finger and discovered that it wasn't that bad after all... the slippery feeling is tolerable so I was the one that had to throw it back to the sea *chuckled*
Suddenly, a waiter out of nowhere called out to us from the poolside informing us that we are not supposed to enter the sea for that area. Shocking but was satisfied that he didn't noticed us before our feeding and the sea-creatures encounter, we head up to the poolside with corals & seashells. After washing of the sands, we get into the pool and here, I swim a fair bit... and I felt so good...

~ Sunset at Emerald Bay ~
As sunset approach, the crabs are out again... and we have fun playing with the crabs. And today, I caught them myself instead... And Scott accidentally stepped & killed one of it when he was playing with it... We left earlier today to get prepare for our dinner as the sunset was not beautiful. Scott felt like having a dip in the bathtub but unfortunately, the ants are terrorizing the area again...
A little unfortunate that we couldn't call for a reservation at Uncle Lim so we head there without making one. So, when we reached there, it was full and table will only be available by 9.30pm. I had never taken my dinner at this hour of the day so I took it as its my supper then... Since, we had an hour to wait, we got back to the Library to surf the net while Scott laze at the "postal-bed".
At Uncle Lim's restaurant, food is delicious... it's a nyonya-cooking style and I enjoyed my meal too. As it's getting late and feeling tired... we just request the chauffeur to drop us at the Jim Thompson and we walked up to our room. Once again... I dozed off rather easily...
~*~ 14th May 2008 ~*~
It was raining this morning when I woke up around 7am, so I went out to the balcony to breath in the fresh-forest air... it was kinda chill too... Sat that for a while and decided to get back into the room to see any good thing to watch on TV. Astro is provided so, don't really have to worry if there is nothing to watch at the odd hours of the day.
Finally, dragged my feet to have my morning shower at around 9am as today, we are leaving the island at 12pm thus we have decided to skip lunch and get a late & heavy breakfast. It was a bit rushed for me to pack my things since I lost count of the time... *phew* But, we managed to get breakfast at Feast Village and today, we decided to sit as close as possible to the food. Hehehe...
After breakfast, I checked out and since we have some time to spare, I surf the net while Scott continue his sleep at the "postal-bed". 5 minutes before 12pm, one of the staff approached me to inform me that the ferry has arrived at the Jetty. The journey back to Lumut by the same ferry we got to the island seems a little bit slow for the journey back... Guessed, the feeling of the ending of a relaxing vacation is never pleasant...
Scott wanted to get some anchovies and I would like to buy some thing back too. So, we walked around the small Lumut town a bit and decided to stop hunting for good deals as the weather is so hot that I'll probably melt after a while. Tried to negotiate a bit with the price since we are buying quite a lot but I personally think that it's not cheap-&-good deal after all. Finally departed Lumut town at about 1.30pm.
Remarks: More pictures & video to be loaded later.
Woke up at 3.30am to get ready and prepare breakfast for the journey. Managed to grab a quick coffee since I had to drive 3 hours to Lumut, its advisable for me to do so... Picked Scott up at Subang about 4.40am and the drive from my home to his is not pleasant as the haze is back in Kesas Highway... it makes me feel sleepy by just driving thru that kind of condition.
It was pitch-darkness as I'm taking the Kapar road towards Kuala Selangor and Sitiawan before Lumut. There are not much street-lamps and I find it pretty difficult to be driving in the dark on the coastal/village road despite that most of the route is double-lane. At about 7am... the place looks familiar with the paddy fields and I had to stopped by the petrol-kiosk to get a refill. And I was told by the Storekeeper that it's an hour drive to Lumut Jetty.
Since, we had to be at the Pangkor Laut Resort Lumut-office 15 minutes before the ferry departs at 8am, Scott decided to take over the wheels as he said I drove very slow... hehehe... Better safe than sorry, right?
15 minutes before 8am, I had to call up the office to inform them to wait for us as we couldn't make it on time due to the slight traffic with all the heavy vehicles in front of us along the way. I was advised that the ferry could only wait for us 5 minutes. Lucky, we managed to get there by 8am. There is no special parking lots for Pangkor Laut Resort but we were asked to park at the covered parking lots that I had the comfortable feeling that its safe as there are many other expensive cars park there. And since its well-covered and looks new, I don't have to worry...
We walked to the Lumut Jetty and the ferry is ready to move by then... We are the only guests and the rest of the people are the resort's staffs. The journey on the closed-air conditional ferry is smooth and we took an hour to arrive Pangkor Laut Resort. Only when, I'm just trying to get a nap in the ferry that I recalled I forgotten to bring my swimming-suit. Gosh!! How could I be so forgetful!! Indeed for the last 2 nights, I had been thinking quite a lot about some personal issues that I had totally lost my mind and had been so careless... how could I forget something as important as a swimming-suit when I'm heading to an island for a vacation?!?!
We were greeted and escorted by a Japanese lady name Yuko who happened to work in this resort as a trainee. I had difficulties understanding her but I just somehow had to dismiss it...
We were given the Hill Villa and it's quite a walk from the Reception... but the view is okie, a little bit blocked by a big tree right in the middle of the balcony. We take some time to study the mini-booklet which comes with a map and the restaurants that we can dine in... After a short rest in the villa, we decided to go check out the resorts and also visited the Emerald Bay. As and when we need to go to the Emerald Bay, we just inform the Reception and the pick-up will come. The journey will take about 5-10 minutes up the hill and down the hill to other other side of the island where the Bay is.
Was planning to drop by the Batik shop but it was close for lunch. So, after surveying the Emerald Bay, we head back to the pool side to have our lunch at Royal Bay Beach Club. Only realized that we can actually have our lunch at Emerald Bay as well but we were already back to the other side of the island. Took me a while to remember the dining places which our package paid for... While waiting for our food to arrive, it was nice just to sit at the cozy-lazy rattan chair and just enjoy the sea breeze, the pool view and the occasionally calls of the tree-bats. Surprised that the tree-bats are out in the noon and making quite a loud noise with their peers.
After lunch, we got back to our room to have a nap since I really need one... Dozed off instantly with the TV at the background... our room cannot hear a single sound of the wave which I'm kinda disappointed... But, I guessed, if one can afford to pay more for the Beach Villa, it will be highly recommended as compare to the Sea Villa. My personal preference though...
After a short and sufficient nap, we decided to take a dip and play around in our huge-bathtub in our private-open-courtyard. We added the crystal-salts from the sea that was written to heal us from aches and all sorts. It took us ages to fill up the "mini-pool" aka bathtub. Occasionally, the leaves and fruits from the forest trees will dropped inside. And the most uncomfortable thing is that there are thousands of black ants crawling from the walls to the floor and everywhere... Eeiii...
Hillarious-sight, we were visited by several forest creatures none other than the monkey!! Kakaka... It was one at first, then two and then three... They came to watch us play... I was worried that they will decide to jump down to the mini-garden next to the bathtub but Scott said they are too afraid of water. So, I prayed that they don't just sit up at the roof and pee to us to add the spice...
Around 5pm, we dropped by Jim Thompson as we saw some beautiful things inside which are on 70% sale. I fall in love with several things which turns out not to be on sale. I came across a white-top with elephants print which it's on sale, but Scott said it's just simple... Since, I had to get a new swimming-suit, so I have decided to forgo this top even though I will still constantly think of it every time we passed by the boutique to go up to our room. Kekeke...
Next, we stopped by the souvenir shop to get my swimming-suit. The price range are shockingly expensive but I think to some extend, I cannot not buy one piece to get myself into the pool & sea-waters. Took me a while to buy something I like and I immediately put it on and just get the staff to cut the tags away for me. Happy with my purchase, we strolled our way to the poolside for the refreshing swim.
First, I went into the jacuzzi just to get the pressure to massage my body and tummy. Suddenly a Horn-Bill flew by and sat close to where I was. It is a beautiful bird!! I never seen one up-close before. Then, took a short swim at the pool but the depth was 1.45m which I find it difficult and not at my comfort zone as I'm tip-toeing in it. Didn't spend much time in it and instead decided to head to Emerald Bay as I saw the sun is heading towards the other side of the island.
Toweled dried ourselves and walked to the Reception again... Each facilities from one another is quite a distance so there are quite a lot of walking involved. For me who hardly walk for my daily-life, may feel a bit tiring... We are the only Malaysian-local couple here at this resort as we are surrounded by many Europeans, Indians, Japanese & Koreans.
Since we were heading to pool & sea side, I did not bring along my camera... thinking that moments should be capture both in my heart and my brain and somehow, I don't feel like taking pictures today... The chauffeur told us that it's a bit cloudy and we may not see a good sunset. We found our beach-chairs and after Scott went to prepare the chairs with towels, we head out to the bay to get a feel of the water. The waves are scary for me... it may be simply just small for Scott but its huge for me. I won't dare to go out much and just catch a few small wave by the beach-side...
As sunset is approaching, I saw a small cruise that carries the other guests who paid for their Sunset Cruise but sadly enough, the sunset was not much to be seen. Myself, I had a great-time laughing at Scott who is trying to catch the crabs and wanting to "fight" them. We managed to caught 2 at different times and unfortunately, we had no pail and 1 of them ran away when we caught the 2nd one. Hehehe... that was hilarious and it's my first experience to catch and run after crabs like this... There was an Indian couple who saw us having some fun with the crabs and the guy got curious and decided to bring his camera and wanna a few snapshots with Scott holding the crab. He was too afraid to hold them though... I got my courage to hold the crab but Scott is always bullying me in some ways or the other and squeaking to make a better effect to scare me.
At about 7.30pm, we left Emerald Bay and head back to our room to shower and get ready for our dinner at Feast Village. We wanted to have continental meals but unfortunately the other restaurant; Uncle Lim is closed on Monday & Wednesday. We opt for a table by the front that faced the PLR's jetty thinking that the sea-breeze will be comforting but unfortunately it's very dark and my camera can't take much pictures... and there isn't much breeze either. I enjoyed my dinner very much though.
After dinner, we took a stroll to the PLR jetty and we could hear the opposite island's activities; someone is singing karaoke or probably there is a live band. On our side, PLR is quiet and dead... just could hear people chattering happily in the Feast Village while waiting for their bedtime... Scott wanted to check his emails and surf the net so we head to the Library. While he is surfing, I went to get a book to read... I was so tired that I dozed of about 11pm and Scott still lingering around the room with his night-coffee and TV programs.
~*~ 13th May 2008 ~*~
I was up by 6 in the morning, even on vacation but my brain-clock is still tune to the daily-wake-up time... But I continue to laze around in bed and watch some cartoons while I dozed off to sleep again. By 7plus, I woke up and we head out for breakfast at Feast Village. Today, we selected a table by the koi-fish pond and discovered that we had to walk a distance to get our food. Hehehe... There are a huge selection of food and indeed I couldn't even taste all of them. I was full despite that I'm so tempted to get more... Occasionally, Scott and I will throw some bread that I toasted from the bakery-corner for the koi-fish.
Since we are early for breakfast, there isn't anyone around except their own staffs who are also dining in... probably everyone slept-in late as breakfast will be served till 11am. I went around with my camera to take pictures and I even took the Chinese-herbs in their individual jars. How I wished they could label them so I can also know each of their names. We even checked out the other restaurant and bar which we can't dine in as it's not in our package unless we wanna pay for them... It's such a romantic and soothing ambiance with candles everywhere... But I don't know what's the name of the restaurant.
On our way back to our room, there are few monkeys swinging everywhere and running around. One of them actually tried to made-out with the other one and somehow it was pushed away. One of the monkey actually came so close to us and posing for me to take a picture of it. After taking a short walk towards the Suite, we went back into our villa to watch TV and continue our beauty-sleep. Close to noon, we walked down to the pick-up area to Emerald Bay; thinking that usually we will be lucky to get one without requesting it. But to our dismay, nothing came... so, Scott went to request it from the Reception. Despite that, we still waited very long for it to come and so I went around taking pictures and Scott had to check second time from the Reception. Guessed, lunch time, the drivers are limited and are having their meals.
Once at Emerald Bay, I continue to take pictures and video of the place and settled down by the beach-chair with my book. Several times, Scott asked me to tag along with him to the sea and catch the waves but it was too scary for me to actually wanna go in... Instead, I stood at the edges and try to take some pictures of Scott catching and playing with the big-waves. I know Scott is not having much fun doing it all alone as the rest of the couples are doing it together in the sea... so, he grabbed me and carried me into the sea and I was wailing to be release and begging him from getting me into it. Everyone at the beach were kinda looking at me thinking if I had drown or something caught me and finally Scott, let me out of his grips and from that moment, it's pure silence between us for a long time.
By 3pm, Scott asked me if I'm hungry and we should order our lunch to be brought to our beach-chair area... The meal was so huge that I almost fainted when they brought them to the beach-table. I cannot imagine how to finish them... and to be honest, this resort restaurants are not good at cooking and preparing their western-food... And I got quite annoyed with their waiter at Chapman's Bar because he can't even understand our English as he take our orders and we can't even understand his... sigh...
So full from lunch that I told Scott, I need to walk around... I checked out the Batik shop and I came across a very nice piece but the price again make me squeak. And I feel myself being so poor knowing & feeling that I couldn't own it. So, we arrange for the pick-up and we head to the Spa Village as that's the other part of the resort/island that we have not discover and check it out...
At the Spa Village, not only they have the various spa-treatments and the villas, they also have a souvenir shop and Jamu Bar that served Japanese food. Other than the Uncle Lim & Fisherman's Cove at the other side, this area has a better pool facilities. And the depth is too my much delight!! After checking out and walking around the area... we decided to go into the sea as Scott wanna collect some corals and shells.
Again, I love the calmness of the sea at this area. They don't have a name to this bay but I really love this beach... As I swim a fair bit in the sea and suddenly, Scott came across some fishes by the rocks which I earlier warned him to be careful on his steps... Here, the waters are so clear that we can see thru till the bottom of it... Scott decided to sacrifice his "fish-shape" cookies for the fishes in the sea. I was laughing at him and asking him, "How can you feed fish-shape cookies to the small fish? They won't be afraid of it?" and he remarked that the fishes are not friendly and dare not eat from his hand... So, we tried breaking them up to tiny-pieces and eventually, they came close to us for the food...
At this moment, I'm so happy that we got into this part of the island and I'm also lucky enough to see fishes swimming across my legs, caught one up and managed to get a picture of it... It's difficult to get pictures in the sea with my camera so I gave up on that... Scott suddenly throw a handful of the cookies about 1m away and suddenly, baby-sharks are eating them. WOW!! I didn't see it at first until he pointed his fingers and when the baby-sharks actually jump up to the surface for more food. Then, I started seeing other species of fish, the zebra-stripe fish, some mini-transparent fish that went hopping around like dolphins on the surface of the sea... All this was so so marvelous!! And indeed we are surprised that Pangkor Laut does have the beauty of it as well... Scott also pointed out a sea-cucumber to me and he said it's ticklish for him to catch it up for me... so, instead he took a stone to push it to the beach... it was so long in the sea-based and when it finally reach the beach, it shrink double its previous size. I started to stroke with my finger and discovered that it wasn't that bad after all... the slippery feeling is tolerable so I was the one that had to throw it back to the sea *chuckled*
Suddenly, a waiter out of nowhere called out to us from the poolside informing us that we are not supposed to enter the sea for that area. Shocking but was satisfied that he didn't noticed us before our feeding and the sea-creatures encounter, we head up to the poolside with corals & seashells. After washing of the sands, we get into the pool and here, I swim a fair bit... and I felt so good...
Since Scott still prefer the big-waves and wanted to catch the sunset again today, we head back to Emerald Bay. With camera this time to capture the sunset moment but there are even more clouds today and sunset was not as beautiful as yesterday... There is this saying that, "we have to appreciate what we have in front of us at the moment we had... and not just wait for future or when it's no longer there as it's too late."

~ Sunset at Emerald Bay ~
As sunset approach, the crabs are out again... and we have fun playing with the crabs. And today, I caught them myself instead... And Scott accidentally stepped & killed one of it when he was playing with it... We left earlier today to get prepare for our dinner as the sunset was not beautiful. Scott felt like having a dip in the bathtub but unfortunately, the ants are terrorizing the area again...
A little unfortunate that we couldn't call for a reservation at Uncle Lim so we head there without making one. So, when we reached there, it was full and table will only be available by 9.30pm. I had never taken my dinner at this hour of the day so I took it as its my supper then... Since, we had an hour to wait, we got back to the Library to surf the net while Scott laze at the "postal-bed".
At Uncle Lim's restaurant, food is delicious... it's a nyonya-cooking style and I enjoyed my meal too. As it's getting late and feeling tired... we just request the chauffeur to drop us at the Jim Thompson and we walked up to our room. Once again... I dozed off rather easily...
~*~ 14th May 2008 ~*~
It was raining this morning when I woke up around 7am, so I went out to the balcony to breath in the fresh-forest air... it was kinda chill too... Sat that for a while and decided to get back into the room to see any good thing to watch on TV. Astro is provided so, don't really have to worry if there is nothing to watch at the odd hours of the day.
Finally, dragged my feet to have my morning shower at around 9am as today, we are leaving the island at 12pm thus we have decided to skip lunch and get a late & heavy breakfast. It was a bit rushed for me to pack my things since I lost count of the time... *phew* But, we managed to get breakfast at Feast Village and today, we decided to sit as close as possible to the food. Hehehe...
After breakfast, I checked out and since we have some time to spare, I surf the net while Scott continue his sleep at the "postal-bed". 5 minutes before 12pm, one of the staff approached me to inform me that the ferry has arrived at the Jetty. The journey back to Lumut by the same ferry we got to the island seems a little bit slow for the journey back... Guessed, the feeling of the ending of a relaxing vacation is never pleasant...
Scott wanted to get some anchovies and I would like to buy some thing back too. So, we walked around the small Lumut town a bit and decided to stop hunting for good deals as the weather is so hot that I'll probably melt after a while. Tried to negotiate a bit with the price since we are buying quite a lot but I personally think that it's not cheap-&-good deal after all. Finally departed Lumut town at about 1.30pm.
Remarks: More pictures & video to be loaded later.
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