FINALLY, the Christmas tree is up...
It's been delayed for about 1 week because my dad refused to have it this year with his reason that its tedious to keep it later. Just thinking of his excuse kind of make me sad and lost all the Christmas mood. My brother insisted that we will be putting the tree up together but because he is so busy with church camp that I could not wait for his any longer.
Since today is a public holiday and I had nothing better to do. Being "home-alone" with dad golfing and mom went out for a facial, I decided to give both of them a surprise by having the tree up! Just to get me started, I put up my favourite N'SYNC : "Home for Christmas" and start taking out all the bits and pieces from the storeroom. Dusty and heavy, deep inside the storeroom... I was sweating away... but managed to pull out 4 big & small boxes.
I wanted to setup the tree at the french-windows so I need to rearrange the whole living room to make room for the 6 feet tree. I hope mom won't kill me with the new arrangement. The leg of the tree took me half an hour to setup because the screws & holes are not really matching and a little rusty. What to expect and complaint about since it's already more than 5 years old. Hehehe...
~The Naked Tree~

~Still Naked Leaves & Branches~ ~Peak of the Naked Tree~
~It's Lighted~
~With Ornaments & Bells~
My parents came home around the same time and my mom exclaimed, "Aiyoh... how you setup the big-tree all alone?" when she saw the christmas tree. But, she did not realise that the leather-sofas were being rearranged until my dad highlighted to him. Hahahaha...
All in all, I managed it for hours but I had the Christmas mood slowly creeping into my veins as I was singing along the songs and going round the tree, fixing the leaves & branches and the lightings.
that's a really beautiful tree :)
nice tree but i think very very mahal loh
i like this chrismas song. keep it up. hehehhehehehehehe
Thanks Agnes!
But, I think it's gonna be balding soon... hehehe... probably give it another 2-3 years.
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