Date: 11th~12th November 2006
History: Frasers Hill
Map: Frasers Hill
Friend's Blog: Agnes, Alan, Jaime
Other Links: Frasers Hill Tips
A weekend gateway to unwind at the highlands. It's too breath-taking for me to describe in words. For the rest that went for this trip with me, it was full of relaxation... as for me, a new challenge in yet another chapter of my life. Jaime was worried that I'll be driving up and I cherished that concern tone and remarks from them. Before I venture into this trip, I looked up a lot of websites to read more about this place, how to get there and what activity... etc.
Equipped with maps, I departed from my house at 7.20am after giving Agnes a buzz. I told her I'll pick her up at 8am if I had no problem finding her house. She emailed me a drawing-map of the location of her house a few days before. I reached her house at 7.55am and she had an odd way to park her gold colour Kelisa. I was a few minutes from her house when she sms-ed me informing me what's her car plat is. So, I laughed when I saw her Kelisa parked at an odd-location. Succeeded to find her house without much of a problem by refering to her drawings, (To Agnes: Told you your drawing is good as I'm also a pretty good interpretor) we started our journey shortly after that... I think I'm happy that she is ready for me to pick her up. That's what I love about picking up people... punctuality!

Rawang town is quite busy and we saw the bad traffic on the opposite side of the road. And Agnes commented we should not attempt to take that road if we could get out to the highway instead on our way back. Nothing much to see along our journey to Kuala Kubu Bahru other than the minor constructions of road and wider roads and some new housing area and shoplots.
Around 9.30am, we reached the Selangor River Dam, actually we did not know what was ahead of us until we stopped at the parking lot provided and I check out the map. In order for us to get to Frasers Hill, we need to pass by this huge lake and since its such a nice scenary, I drove slowly while Agnes took shots of beautiful scenaries.

To my much surprised, Kuala Kubu Bahru is actually a town with loads of winding roads. The road up to the Frasers Gap already started winding. Just that its slowly upwards climbing and not steep to drive on. I had to signal right to a few cars behind me to ask them to overtake me since I'm making sure I'm driving up slowly and safely and enjoy the nature. Lots of bamboo trees along the hilly roads. Some is so huge but we can't possible stop to take pictures of them. Too dangerous as the road are narrow and its 2-way traffic.
By 10.30am, we reached a few of abandon Chinese shop-house and the Gap Resthouse. As I find a place for my car at the foot of the Gap Resthouse (in the badminton court), Agnes and I head up the few stairs leading us to the beautiful colonial-cottage. We are expecting this place to be buzzing with people or at least a few who are still enjoying late breakfast but we enter into a cottage with no one in-sight. Snapping some shots, we wandering around the place where it boast to serve good coffee for those who stop before driving up the Gap.
We were hopping to grab late breakfast but one Malay lady told us its sold out. I was thinking, "Were they selling breakfast earlier??"... Hhhmmm... Since the place looks clean. As we were waiting for the coffee, Agnes and I sat down at a not-so-comfy wooden chair chatting away. I was hoping that we could sit on some low-soft-comfy chair under big-umbrellas in the garden with flowers around us and butterflies & bees flying around. To my little disapointment, there isn't any of that... no sight of any butterflies either...

After trying to finish our "nothing-special-coffee", we head out to take some pictures and left the place and within a few minutes, we arrived the entrance of the Gap gate. Frasers Hill... here we come!!!
The way up is 15km and the road up was okie. Nothing to worry about even though it's a little more winding and steep but it was no-big-deal. As compare to the roads I took in P.N.G., these are much more better. Hehehe... I kept telling Agnes that Jaime should not worry too much. But, I had to agree with Agnes that a smaller car is encouraged as the roads are small up on Frasers heading to various cottages.
Once, we arrived the top, we were so happy and we took the left turn and we come to Glen Bungalow. This is the first bungalow that melted Agnes's heart and every time we passes it, we couldn't help admiring it more and more. Next, we came to the golf course. We turn left into Lady Guillemard Street, after passing by a few bungalows, we come to a stop at Tanglin because according to the map, its a dead-end ahead, and we are supposed to get to the road that lead us to Richmond where our bungalow is.
Thinking; "so near and yet so far... we are looking for the Clock Tower, we didn't come across anything... but we passed by golf course, that's strange..." So, Agnes got down to ask a lady who is watering her garden in Bungalow Tanglin and confirmed we were LOST. Thus, I drove all the way back to where I come from at the Tamil School.
And we realised that we interpreted the map wrongly. We kept thinking that the road up will lead us to the "Gate" marked at the bottom of the map. So, I drove the same road for 3 times to finally get-the-brains working that we need to look for "Pusat Bandar" signboards. I was so looking forward to the vacation that my brains went all the way down to the bottom. Hahaha...
Let me first correct the Map linked above; the "Gate" that we arrived at is actually at the Tamil School right at the top right before reaching Fraser's Pine Resort (which also in-sight when we first arrived at the Gate). Even the big map on the road-side in front of the Tamil School is not updated!!! So, please equipped yourself with a good map and do not get cheated by the word, "You Are Here".
Was a little worried about the petrol consumption since I didn't get to pump full-tank before we head up. That also, its hard to find a Shell station and our geographical-mind did not quite equipped us on where we actually are and how far are we from the Gap. So, in future, we have to look out for a Shell station on the opposite side of the road before turning right into Kuala Kubu Bahru.
When we got to the Frasers town with the clock-tower as our landmark. The sky decided to "cry" once I parked my car and we looked around to decide on where to have our lunch. After checking out all the eatery-shop in town, we settled for Arzed. As that's the only shop open other than the Chinese Restaurant. I have "roti-canai" & 2 pieces of chicken while Agnes has "Yee Mee". When I was waiting for Agnes, I saw an odd looking creature. A 6-legged insect which camourflage to its surrounding. Took a snap-shot of it.

Then, we looked around the Mini-Market & Information Centre. And when the rain stops, we proceed on to look for the bungalow that we are to stay-in for the weekend. It was pretty easy to follow the road map and we found the bungalows. And from then, its speechless to describe... Pictures tell you everything.
While waiting for Jaime, Alan & Wing to arrive, Agnes and I choose our rooms and put our things in the room. Each rooms have its own attached bathroom with a bath-tub!! Should had brought my bubble-bath gel... Open up all the windows and Agnes started taking pictures here and there. We laze around, wondering around the gardens, admiring the flowers and finally settled down in front of the TV watching Hindi movie (while it rains on and off; feels like the clouds are following us, when we are indoor, it rains; when we are outdoor, it stops)
Got a call from Jaime that they arrived the Frasers town, we took a slow stroll down-hill to meet them near the entrance to Methodist Bungalow. We stopped as Agnes was too afraid to continue to venture down and as we were waiting, I could hear the loud-roaring of the car engine from a distance (in a jungle surrounding, its very obvious). Hehehe... Within minutes, the Green Satria is in-sight!!! With 3 cheerful-looking face looking from the window...
After a short rest, we all got into my car and head out to Ye Olde Smokehouse to get the scones. Unfortunately, it was close to private function and with 3-hungry passengers who decide that we should visit the Jeriau Falls first before we head down to get some food. We decended to the Falls 4km away from Ye Olde Smokehouse.
~ A view from the top ~ ~ A view at Falls ~
We stopped at Strawberry Cafe for its famous Teh "O" Strawberri wherelse, the 3 hungry passengers order Nasi Lemak, Mee Goreng & Fried Rice. We sat and chit chat while waiting for the rain to stop as it started to rain when we got to this Cafe. As strawberries are not in season when we visit, our Teh "O" Strawberri didn't seems that good as the strawberry are sour and so small in size. We head back to the bungalow after this meal and freshen up ourselves before dinner.Steamboat for dinner. Seems like a small portion when we sat on the table. But, at the end, we did not managed to finish all. Aren't we a little greedy earlier to comment too soon? I got my tougue burned because I was in a rush to eat the fish-ball. So, the rest of the trip, I couldn't really taste much of any food... and you will also realised I stopped taking pictures of the food.
After a tremendous full-tummy, we sat by the fire-place sipping wine while playing cards with the TV on to hear news. Eagerly hoping that the Caretaker could light up the fire-place, but the rest do not quite agree with me (think I'm the only one in fear of cold). After 3 rounds of cards, we are too lazy and just rest and watch TV. I went to bed after I finish watching Gilmore Girls with Wing. The rest had already went to dreamland much earlier...
~ My cosy-bedroom (Was hoping for a postal-bed) ~
In total darkness & silent in the bedroom, I was awake at 6.30am. If we could have the windows open, it will be much more comfortable and the silence would not make me so uncomfortable. Because back at home, by 6.00am, I can start hearing birds chirping outside my windows and the sun slowly creeps up. Anyhow, I always belief a vacation should not be spend too much in bed unless I'm too tired to move my body.
The first thing I did when I crawled out from the blanket was nature-call. Aaahhh... very cold-toilet-seat!! Freezing a little by the touch of coolness on my skin, I squeaked a little. Then, I opened the door to my balcony. Only Agnes and my room has balcony each. Actually, Agnes occupied the Master Bedroom & she has the best view. But, somehow the room I stayed in gave me the charms and I love the colour of the curtains. Each room has different colours of curtains. After grabbing a glass of hot water from the dining area, I dashed on tip-toes to my room, as the parquet-flooring makes lots of noise; do not wish to wake everyone up. (I never like parquet-flooring). At my balcony, I sipped my hot water while enjoying the soft-wind blowing thru my face and took a few pictures of the distance scenary.
~ At 6.30am ~ ~ At 6.45am ~
~ At 7.00am ~ ~ At 7.15am ~
~ At 7.15am ~ ~ At 7.30am ~
After 15 minutes, I left the Balcony and head out to the gardens while snapping my camera away. Sat at the black-greyish steel garden chair at the Arundel's porch, watching the sun rise alone. Some birds chirping away and perched themselves on the flowers and trees. I hear some monkey "calling out" but did not see any sight of them. Slowly, the darkness replaced by rays of sunshine. Too bad the rest missed this... How often, did we get up to see sun rise in the city?

~ Love this scenary ~
I wander off to the vegetables-patch, wondering and talking to myself about the names of each vegetables and onion-leaves. They even have 2 kinds of herbs grown. I was hoping to see the Caretaker to have a chit-chat with her and see if she can give me some vegetable introduction. This very moment, I missed my grandma so much. If she would have come to this trip, she would be up early like me and smelling the greens and educating me of the vegetables and flowers name. I shall organise another trip for my family and grandma to come here...
At about 7.30am, I returned to my room and decided I should brush my teeth & wash my face in order to wake me up 100%. Had in my mind to visit Ye Olde Smokehouse alone (to try my luck in getting the scones), so get dressed and prepared to leave when I heard some sounds in Agnes's room on my way out. Thus, decided to sms her & Jaime. In case, they might yelled at me for trying to obtain scones alone. (It's my mission to buy scones back for my dad). As they both replied my sms, I waited them at my car while warming up. Feeling a little impatient, I had to wait for another 30 minutes to depart with Alan along. Poor Wing, all alone in the big bungalow...
Again, we were dissapointed that the sign, "Closed for Private Function" at Ye Olde Smokehouse. Looks like, we never could get our scones after all... after craving for it for so long. With no scones or a place to chill out for the morning, I drove to Allan's Water. All were very curious to what we are expecting, turns out to be a lake where we can rent paddle-boat for RM6 (I forgotten the duration). Here, we saw a few monkeys swinging. As Alan thinks its expensive to rent the paddle-boat (I had never try it before), we walked to the next door Flora Garden (Nursery).
Wow!! So many flowers... I couldn't decide on which flowers to get for my grandma. They had this sign that writes, "RM10 for 3 small pots" and "RM5 for 1 big pot". As I was tempted to get as many as possible but afraid it might suffocate in my car on our way back. Therefore, only get 3 pots and maybe, if it survive in our city-weather, I would return to get more the next trip. After I paid for my flowers, the owner of the Nursery close its main-door and gate. Hhhmm... he can survive after my RM10 purchase?! Strange...

Then, we head to Frasers town to get some souveniors and since I had nothing much to purchase, I linger around the flowers and collect the dried-bubs to bring back to try to grow them in a city-weather. Shortly after, we visited the Playground. Trying to fit our big-backside on each of the little-mechanism, we had an awesome laugh while Agnes & Jaime busy taking pictures of us.
Since, we have plenty of time to kill till lunch, we checked out every resort on Frasers for scones. Well, I managed to make a phone call to Ye Olde Smokehouse to enquire if they could allow us to "take-away" their scones. Upon hearing the price they want to charge me, "RM6 per scone!!", I gasped in disbelief. After some negotiation, the lady still insist of the price of the scone. Finally, I gave up on scones!!
We visited The Paddock & The Archery as well, we spotted a strange looking horse which kept rubbing its neck against the stable door. Hahaha... what a funny sight. Poor thing... only 2 horses survive in this place. Don't see much of any other activities here other than a cage full of "alienated aka badly-bruised" rabbits.
Rushed back for lunch since we have a rather not-pleasant Caretaker who commented us for not sitting at the Dining table when the time we are supposed to have our meals. While hugging my pillow, I dozed off at the Dining chair while waiting for her to serve lunch. Just to make her feel embarrassed. Hahaha... A little commotion between the Caretaker and us on how the look of a Tartar sauce should be; of course we young adults do not wanna debate further on it after a statement is given.
Feeling a little overstuffed, Agnes, Jaime & I went for an afternoon stroll up north as we are curious what lies ahead of us; the Richmond Bungalow. To my much delight, 2 doggies followed us. Agnes called the huge dog; Sheepdog, wherelse, I called the small dog; Snowy. Both of them are very obedient. Since, they tagged along with us, I had to make sure they follow us back to our bungalow. It was a memoriable moment with the 2 doggies. Never had I take a stroll with a doggie accompanying me...

Had a quick nap after lunch and showered before I packed my things and prepared ourselves to go home. After packing and putting the bags in the car, I decide to pluck some flowers to bring home with me and try to grow them as my dad had once bought the same flower from the market but we were away for a week and it all died of thirst. I descended slowly from Frasers in order not to burn the tyres too much but Alan zoomed away out of sight. It's only 8km from the Gap Gate and this makes the ride down faster. Wanting to find the exit to the nearest Expressway, but we failed misserably... Hehehe... But, we learned.

~ Saying our goodbyes; we all looked so cheery & satisfied ~
Now, my brains are kinda still frozen from the coolness I get from the hills, or probably I left my soul and brains up at Frasers *chuckled* But, I did brought back the "fresh air" from the hills... still lingering in my car... So, I shall stop here for tonight...
Note : Since I'm driving all the way, Agnes was busy taking pictures. Enjoy the pictures she took & the little story with it by clicking to enlarge each picture. (
Quote : "Take Nothing But Photographs, Leave Nothing But Footprints"
i regret not going to fraser hills.
wah lau eh it`s a very very nice place . next time pls bring me along 1!!!!hhehehehehehehe
Since you have so much requirements, I think you regret big time now. ;P
Next trip, will be a family trip so that I could make sure the Caretaker do not bully us like this trip!!
Nice pictures!! I missed the sunrise but it's good to see you captured it in your camera. :)
aiyoyo, pls bring me along lah....
i would like 2 go with u leh!!!!!.
actualy i like this type of enviroment very very much!!!!!!!!
U can always go up yourself lar anytime you want. Its very convenient and safe now. I come back in 1 piece mar... hahaha... :D
Probably the next trip we go somewhere, I can make sure I wake you up for sun rise? ;P
It should not be too long from now... I think... ;D
i'm sad ... i should have been there :) ... it looks very nice ;)
i'm really jealous of ur journey in Frasers Hill.
Moreover, if i was here maybe i could drive u there more safely without mistake and getting lost ;) lol :)
i'm sure u had great times here and very good weather, unlike me in france :(
Wow, I really love the pic of the place at the wee hours of the morning. I suddenly realised aside from you, none of us woke up early enough to take early morning pictures kekekeke. Like the evening shots of the bungalow's interior also, the soft lighting gives the whole area a cozy, homey feeling :)
I thought you drive dangerously? Can I put Agnes & my life in your hands? Hehehe... ;P
I'm sure every place that we visit, will somehow place a good positive spot in our heart.
It's just that you hate winter in France but, for me who never been there... I could be thrill to feel what is like to have snow outside my pavement :D
Very very cosy indeed...
I was going to suggest in their "Feedback Letter" to HQ that they should have photo frames display at the top of the fireplace. Every guests that visit there should take a picture & the Caretaker display it.
For those, re-visit guests, then, they can re-take also and see how they had change from those years back... Isn't it a good idea?! I'm sure with that, its even more homey, right? I feel that the current situation is a little bare...
Eh ya hor,that's a good idea. But knowing the caretaker, she'd probably go "10 years ago we never did this, now also we won't do". :P
*roll on the floor with laughter*
Like that also can...
But, just a suggestion. Not my bungalow to give authority though.
hi , faith if u like to go to cave in perak. pls tag along with juniur the saint. hehhehehehehe
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