Come to realise that in Malaysia, not much of Christmas mood we will get... unlike in P.N.G., in November, the whole company will be buzzing with busy-ness to compete for the best decorate department of the year. All the preparation was the big capital word : FUN. Everyone is so co-operative and eager to participate and lend a hand in doing just anything.
But, I'm sure many of us do not really know what Christmas is all about... I can't deny that I do not know a lot about it too. So, in case some people ask you... read this and remember:
Questions & Answers About Christmas
Last night, as I was reading a book and occassionally, gazing out to the black sky. I was wondering, it's quite hard to choose the right gifts and presents for relatives and friends. And it's even harder to choose the right gift for the "special someone" and the male species. Hahaha... as a matter of fact, I always struggled to get the right gift for my dad. That resulted to no presents & gifts for anyone last year (because my parents do not celebrate Christmas the way it should be)... wondering, if this year, it shall be the same again... hhhmm...
Top 10 Gifts A Woman Can Buy The Man In Her Life Who Has "Everything"
1. Say It With A Photo
2. Get Him a VERY "Personalized" Book
3. Good food, a fine wine and a good time
4. Rock His world with a rubdown
5. Surprise Holiday Visit
6. Special Gift Certificate
7. For the Sports Fan Man
8. "Buff up" his car
9. "Write on" Gifts
10. Give Him The Stars! (Buy A Star)
Comment: I like the 10th gift. I think it is so memoriable! Any guy out there who read this, won't you feel the same? But, not quite sure how is it possible...
Top 10 Creative Christmas Gifts for Dads
1. Collective Stadium Miniatures
2. Executive Punching Bag
3. Executive Sand Box
4. Multi Tool Pen
5. Discovery Sky and Land Telescope
6. Make Your Own Opoly
7. Talking Pedometer
8. Pro Thumb Wrestling Ring
9. The Small Ecosphere
10. Talking Road Whiz
Comment: Hhhmmm... still find it very tough to choose the right gift for my dad. Don't you all agree with me? The 6th gift sounds very challenging!! Think, I might get him a Sudoku book... because he has too many golf things to last him a life-time.

I did not quite think it was possible to "Buy A Star" in the beginning. But, after a few search, I found the website & put a link in my blog.
Taking time to read thru the testimonials and Q&A, kind of put me to wonder... I can't see "the star" from Malaysia with our hazy, cloudy & polluted sky! ;(
Maybe, I can consider to get you ONE! Since, you can see from where you are...
To others who is reading:-
It is a wonderful idea to Buy A Star if the "special someone" is into the Galaxy and Star watching. :D
wat is da meaning of but the star.
Its "BUY a Star" - as in purchase a Star... Go to the website & you will understand more :)
Forget to tell you Juniur...
But, no point you buy one in Malaysia because you cannot see the Star. Hehehe...
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