It's been the last 3 weeks that I was into this "lemang" craving...
But, did not actually dreaming about it... Hahaha...
Just simply failed to purchase it every time I passed by the Malay stall;
But, did not actually dreaming about it... Hahaha...
Just simply failed to purchase it every time I passed by the Malay stall;
either it was raining heavy, flood or the stall finish selling it for the day.
Since, the Raya season is still "on" for the Malays,
I still have chance to purchase it.
My regular way to go back after work is to pass by Sg. Jati Village...
Today, with a nice weather, no rain or drizzle nor sunny,
I finally had the gutts to go to the Malay stall that is selling the "Lemang".
It's across the road that I'm taking so,
by me signalling to the right,
I caused a long queue behind me.
Took me quite sometime to turn due to the oppossite traffic.
There are quite a number of Pak Ciks sitting,
Since, the Raya season is still "on" for the Malays,
I still have chance to purchase it.
My regular way to go back after work is to pass by Sg. Jati Village...
Today, with a nice weather, no rain or drizzle nor sunny,
I finally had the gutts to go to the Malay stall that is selling the "Lemang".
It's across the road that I'm taking so,
by me signalling to the right,
I caused a long queue behind me.
Took me quite sometime to turn due to the oppossite traffic.
There are quite a number of Pak Ciks sitting,
savouring their evening tea while chatting
and when I parked along the road-side,
feeling a little embarrased
because all eyes actually looked at me...
They must be thinking,
"What is this small girl doing,
coming out from a big car
and parked at the road side?!"
It's a little creepy to be doing this,
in case someone might just run up to me
and snatch my hand-bag and rob me.
It is never safe to walk in Malaysia anymore...
Tonight, pretty excited that it's gonna be my first time tasting "Lemang".
Dinner is just gonna be "Lemang" & "Rendang Ayam"... Yyyuuummmmiiiieeee!!
For a first-timer, it's just mere satisfaction.
Brother commented the "Rendang Ayam" is not good which I had to agree,
Tonight, pretty excited that it's gonna be my first time tasting "Lemang".
Dinner is just gonna be "Lemang" & "Rendang Ayam"... Yyyuuummmmiiiieeee!!
For a first-timer, it's just mere satisfaction.
Brother commented the "Rendang Ayam" is not good which I had to agree,
I tasted something better than that.
As for the "Lemang",
it's very similar to the glutinious rice
that Chinese cook but
that Chinese cook but
this has a very strong aroma of the bamboo stick & banana leaf that wrapped it.
*Burp*... The "lemang" taste still lingers...
~It's pretty hard to remove it out~
~Up-close of the "Lemang"~~Ahh... finally removed from the Bamboo-stick~
~ My dinner for tonight ~
hi , faith
u should eat it with curry beef which is taste more than the chicken.
i also like lemang with beef when i was a small kids.
I do not like to eat beef...
That is why I did not buy the beef rendang or curry beef. ;P
but u are a christian mah!!!!
What has Christian got to do with "not eating beef"?? Hahaha...
I just do not like the taste of Beef lar... nothing to do with religion :D
Wah, so you FINALLY got the lemang hahahahaha.
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