I had a slow & refreshing shower just a while ago because I had lots of time to spare before dinner time. And I was shocked to see the bruises that I had from the fall yesterday. *sob*

I fell down from the 2nd last step of the staircase at my office when I was going to send some documents to the Account Department. Think, I missed a step and was too late to grab the staircase-rail for support. Fell side-way and only had my right elbow to land on. Lucky, I was wearing flat-shoe and didn't twist any of my ankle. Thank God, I didn't make a real-clown out of myself and no papers flying on me since I was holding some documents. One of the lady colleague; Jenny who was near the bottom of the staircase was about to reach out to give me a hand but I got up by myself. But unfortunately, the Operation Mgr who happened to be speaking to Jenny saw me, he make a joke out of the scene in Cantonese that I didn't understand or bother to hear. But, I heard him chuckled when I walked away...

And I just discovered, I had 3 dots of dry-blood scar that looks like I got bit by the "dracula" or "vampire". Hehehe... the ghost month is still around... The tiny scars are slightly above my right heel.

Also, on my right leg, two bruises are slowly showing its redish-blueish-black colour on my knee and slightly lower it... Ahhh... I hope, I didn't get any internal pain later with any of my bones...
Eh I think that Operations Manager is a true 100% pure, undiluted moron lah. Langsung pun tak gentleman. If see a lady fall, not only did he NOT help but had the cheek to make jokes and all. Ish. People like him should be *pipiaked* and *bish-bished*.
Well... I think he kind of "anti" me or something... we are kinda not in the same frequency people... He was the same colleague who said I was immature. So... hehehe... Faham-faham lar...
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