Had to get up pretty early because my brother organised this event and being the key-person... he had to be there early.. Hit the road about 7.30am towards church. So, I spend like 30minutes trying to sleep in the car and by 8am, I came out and meet up the rest of the "Youth" who started to arrive one by one. Walk around saying "hi" and then, took a few shots...

Then, head down-hill to the nearest food court but then, the church main-gate was locked, so, we walked up-hill again to get into a car. Hehehe... 6 people squeezed our butt into a Swift. Very spacious indeed. Noelle, Siang, Nicho, U-Xinn, myself & unknown (he never intro himself) had our breakfast of either "roti-canai" or "nasi lemak" with milo-ice. I had my coffee at home, so I didn't order any drinks. After a rather quick breakfast, took a few shots of the pigeons before we head back to church.
- Drop your belongings (Like Christ & his disciplines; Should not carry the burden of sins)
- Perseverance (Trust in God and He will show the light)
- God is Almight & real (Have Faith in Him)
I thought he won't end his "speech" but I think he tried his very best to keep it simple and fast. Had opening prayers & opening ceremony. Prior to the race, we had a warm-exercise section and follow by group-recognition & group-picture.

Start the race with the first run towards the nearest field. Remarkably, the hardest task of all the whole race!! I even got bruises from it. *sob sob* We had to tie strings at our feet to another person and 3 of us had to walk like a metre away to get an envelope for our 1st clue. And then, walked back again to the Station Master to un-tie our strings. "Almost in tears... 2 metres of real torture!!" In the beginning, we were the last group to the envelope, but we change strategy and we managed to get the 5th place when we return to un-tie.

1st clue : Muzium that is currently under renovation ~ Unfortunately, we got this place mistaken with another muzium that is under renovation. So, we were the last group to arrive the correct one. Here, we had to select 40 cents worth of coins from a bucket of worms. Nothing that scary. Then, since we got two 20 cents, we had to drink finish 3 bottles of mineral water with straws. My biggest weakness 'coz I don't drink that much of water in a minute unless, I'm really thristy!
2nd clue : To the train station but before that, we had to get to the place where we leave our belongings ~ We reached the train station, but couldn't find any Youth committee!! Then, I finally got it. It was the car-park... Hahaha... Here, we had to sell ice-creams to earn money to buy train tickets. We managed after a while. Got our tickets and left for the stadium.

3rd clue : To the stadium ~ We didn't get this clue because after we bought the train ticket, we are supposed to go back to the car-park to get this clue but somehow, the 2nd clue already got us thinking that we need to go to the stadium next. Hilarious... Are we smart or what? Here, we had to pick a selection of cards which is either run forward back and fro each person or run backward back and fro each person of a distance of a basketball court. We were a bit unlucky, we had to run backwards.
4th clue : Back to church ~ We took a short-cut so we were kinda early. But, I was almost half-dead when I climb-up the hill towards the church.
5th clue : Find May (one of the committee member) ~ Search the church around and she was hiding at The Peak. I was a slow-runner and didn't know that we are actually still in the Race. We came in 5th which supposed to be 4th. And I collapsed down on the bench because my calves hurt like mad.. the muscles are pulling!! Arrrgghh... All of us have about 15minutes break.
6th clue : Sing-a-jiggle-for-3 minutes
7th clue : Buy Neslo-ice for the key-member of the committee ~ Chin Seng when to buy while I hunt for my brother. I told him to just get the drink & I would look for my bro. Hehehe... nobody actually knew that James and my bro are the key-committee... Durrr... Handed him the drink and within minutes... I took back the drink. Hehehe.. was feeling lifeless... needed that extra caffeine (as a result, my hands started auto-shiver - that's the sign of too much caffeine in my blood veins). Asked us to gather at the play-ground while waiting for our "passport" to lunch.

Digging-in time... just plain chicky-rice... I only had half of them... too exhausted to eat.

Well, we were penalised for "being too smart" to not obtain 3rd clue. As a result, we can only depart for the 2nd part of the race 10 minutes later than the rest of the teams. 2 other teams were also penalised.
8th clue : Find Yong Yong for the next clue ~ Found her pretty easily. Got a sms puzzle to solve before knowing where we should head.

10th clue : A busy place where 3 races meet which is near to the place were we go to when we are in pain ~ I thought of the wet market... nearing there, we saw the committee sitting in one of the indian coffee-shop. Here, we need to name 10 animals in Tamil and must know how to pronounce it. So, we went to the nearest shop to get assistant. Next, we had to buy "ladu" & "pagoda". I heard of "ladu" but not "pagoda". Told my team that its a delicacy. Chin Seng ran to get "pagoda" at the end of the Indian Street while Ai Hui and myself waited after the "ladu" purchase. Upon return, we had to finish up the "ladu" & "pagoda". Aaahhhh... never had I tasted both and we had no other choice but to eat.
11th clue : We meet here every Sunday at 4pm for fun activities ~ 2 of them thought of Captain-Ball which is basketball. So, we head back to the church compound. We had to insert ball into the basketball ring. Guy - 1 point each. Gal - 3 points each. I took the lead and I got in 3 points immediately. Had some pretty luck... and got our 25 points requirement. But, my calves-muscles attacked again!! I couldn't stand up and I drop-down on the floor *sob* Told the rest to go ahead without me. My brother announced to the rest, I quit.. since its the last clue station for the whole race.

12th clue : 4 C's meet together (with easter eggs picture) ~ While I was sitting, I saw the clue... then, Chin Seng & Ai Hui thought of the place. But, I didn't... *sigh* they ran without telling me... and like 10 minutes later, my leg felt better, I just slowly skipped my way down-hill towards the direction that I thought they go... for a while.. I can't see any sign of them... and then.. I noticed someone in blue under some trees 500 metres away from church. Saw them sitting on the grass munching on a green sour fruit wherelse Ai Hui trying to finish a plate of blend papaya. Assist them with the green sour fruit and papaya is my favourite. No problem eating them all!! *Yummie*

13th clue : Calvin Meng Choo Kheng ~ a clue typed out on a phone and we are supposed to figure out. Chin Seng asked, "Who is that?" and I goes, "Is that our church member?" and Ai Hui goes, "We do not know... any hints?" and then, it strike me... "read the initials backwards!!" Yeh yeh yeh.... back to church... KCMC (Klang Chinese Methodist Church).

While waiting for the rest of the team to return... we rested at the play-ground. That was kinda long wait. Gathered at the Mess Hall and prize-giving time!! Picture says it all...

*I'm the last-batch of Youth must discipline them. Ish..ish... Take picture also take so long to gather?!*

Note : More pictures to be loaded later in Gallery.
Sounds like a the Amazing Race..
Looks fun!! Glad you enjoyed yourself and CONGRATULATIONS on being the 1st runner up!!! :)
hey ... hope now your legs are better now ! i've read that there were a lot to do, u must have been very tired at the end of the race. but it sounds like it was very fun ;)
Jaime: Thanks!! U should have come if you do not have to attend the wedding.
My whole-body still aching badly.
I had to take an emercency leave from work today because I couldn't move much & get up from bed.
But, YES! It was 1st time experience in this kinda thing that I enjoyed...
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