** Gift from Heaven **

Little Samuel is the 8th child MOM babysit. That excludes my sister, brother & myself. Amazingly, little Samuel is an extra-ordinary kid. Coming from a Christian parents, which all the others are not... we all tried our very best to make him "Samuel". So why "extra-ordinary"?
Ever since he came into our home, I far most have his undevoted attention. And he never stop amused me. He was over last night to pick up his dinner because his mom need to attend some party and we don't usually see him on weekends. He came dressed in magenta t-shirt & the coolest matching shades!! I couldn't help grabbing the camera to take his shot. And when I was about to get one, he looked at me and cried, reaching out his hands to get the camera & inserting himself between my lap as I was sitting. At the age of 3, he still couldn't talk but just merely saying single word & naming things he sees around him. So, I didn't know why he cried and instead, my bro took the camera and little Samuel allow him to take a shot. Then, I realised, he didn't want me to take picture "of" him, he wants me to take picture "with" him!! When, he was showing off his shades to his nanny, I tried to take the camera to take a shot again, he cried and run towards me again. Everyone can take picture of him... except me! What is his motive?
Little Samuel has done other hilarious actions before & everytime, its related to me. Once, he climb on-top of the sofa where I was watching tv. And he tried to climb over my shoulder & came kissing my lips for no reasons!! In shocked, "Hey, what are you doing?" and he laughed. You know how the doggie always come to lick your mouth/nose with the wettest tougue? That is exactly what Little Samuel did!! And my parents & bro saw him and they laughed.
Of course now, he has the craziest crave. Everytime, my dad brought him to Tesco, he pulled my dad to the dolls corner. First time, my dad de-tour him away to the car corner & got him a miniature car. Second time, he still end up at the doll corner & that's when my dad got him a set with 3 different dolls inside; different dressing & all in pony-tails. And from then onwards everytime he saw me tying my hair in a "pony-tail", he called out, "Doll!" instead of "Jie Jie". Hahaha... The latest thing he has was a Powerpuff Girl lattern that my dad got it for him for the Mooncake Festival. I laughed until my stomach hurts when I saw it and when dad told me that he always choose the channel showing Powerpuff Girl lately. Very lucky that he love blue colour and he always wants to dress in that colour.
I just can't wait for him to start talking to actually understand his true feelings for me. I'm sure by then, he could express himself better... All the kids that my mom babysitted had somehow, grown up and not probably remember me who once change their diapers. But, Little Samuel will leave a very memoriable scar in my heart deep inside with his unique character & love.
~#~#~#~ Remarkable! ~#~#~#~
Faith, i am jealous of little Samuel :) you hug him in the picture as if it was your ... :D no i am teasing u ;) ... but i think u like kids ;)
Hahaha... I think I'm qualify to be his mom. :D
Kids are adorable when they are good & well-behaved but its headache if they are not. I'm sure everyone love kids!
As I was at home today, he saw me around and he glued to me. Hold my last finger & stand quietly, wants me to feed him his lunch, refused to let me go out-of-his-sight! MOM said one of his brain-screw is lose *Chuckled* (MOM jealous also)
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