On a peaceful Saturday morning, just had my toast with coffee after cleaning up my room & helping mom to operate the new washing-machine. The old one decided to collapse after 20 over years last Thursday!! Kinda missed having American-style breakfast from hotels so decided to get up a bit earlier than usual to make my own breakfast. On regular working days, I can't take breakfast before 8am... even though, many people said breakfast is very important for the day. Just doesn't apply to my system. Thought, I'll spend this morning writing rather then go back to sleep.......
1st July; was planning to catch Disney Live Winnie the Pooh but my niece; Kristen is afraid of costume-creatures and there is no complimentary tickets even I had been begging from everyone. I won't mind paying RM70 but I need to drag a friend along with me who won't want to pay that amount of money to accompany me, right? Not sure whether the show was a success in Malaysia since Winnie the Pooh & Friends been touring around to perform round the globe. Read lots online article from adults and couldn't help wondering what I had missed...(Read: Review) and after looking at the stage pictures, I regretted so much for not following my child-like heart & childish voice in my mind. (Enjoy: Album 1, Album 2, Album 3)That reminds me that I had a great time a few years back when I watched Disney On Ice with Jeffery & Jamie. I still had the Mickey Mouse pop-corn box & a pair of Mickey & Minnie Mouse's mugs that we had ice-crush balls in it. We were freezing in there...
1st July; was planning to catch Disney Live Winnie the Pooh but my niece; Kristen is afraid of costume-creatures and there is no complimentary tickets even I had been begging from everyone. I won't mind paying RM70 but I need to drag a friend along with me who won't want to pay that amount of money to accompany me, right? Not sure whether the show was a success in Malaysia since Winnie the Pooh & Friends been touring around to perform round the globe. Read lots online article from adults and couldn't help wondering what I had missed...(Read: Review) and after looking at the stage pictures, I regretted so much for not following my child-like heart & childish voice in my mind. (Enjoy: Album 1, Album 2, Album 3)That reminds me that I had a great time a few years back when I watched Disney On Ice with Jeffery & Jamie. I still had the Mickey Mouse pop-corn box & a pair of Mickey & Minnie Mouse's mugs that we had ice-crush balls in it. We were freezing in there...
Since there is no Winnie the Pooh & Friends, Jeffery invited me for Superman Returns. Kinda hard to get the tickets since it was just on cinema so we got the 10.30am show. He was late for 30mins & I sun-bathed while waiting for him to pick me up. Once I got into his car, he said softly, "Sorry, but please don't say anything..." *chuckled* He understands me too well how much I hate people to be late!! He overslept and I went on a roller-coaster ride in his Getz and he had to pay additional tols in order to take the less traffic routes to One Utama. Hahaha... and when we got into the cinema, we had to endeavour watching 30mins of advertisment before the movie starts. Gosh.. so much advertisements!!! A few times, I tried stealing some sleep while waiting for the movie to start... I never watch the other Superman before so I had no idea what was before but somehow, I love Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) in this chapter compare to the series show of Lois Lane (Teri Hatcher). Don't be surprised to hear this but I'm not drooling when I watched Brandon Routh... *chuckled*. WHY?? 'Coz, he seems a bit boyish for Superman. Shouldn't Superman be manly-looked?

This week at work, I had been rushing for my "end-month closing" dateline. I had performed well for the last 2 months by meeting the dateline before the expected date by pressuring myself to max. Thus, no chance for the Accounts people to bug me and I couldn't be more happy with it. On Tuesday, head down to Asia Cafe with my colleagues (mostly the Corporate Service team & IT Dept). Been out with this people several times recently because my Department staffs just couldn't be bother to go out for lunch. Chua brought "rojak gravy" from Ipoh and we busy planning the raw materials the day before, so "rojak" was our dessert for the day. And yes! We had fun and its different... wasted, I didn't bring my camera with me. Come to think of it, how come I never think of camera-phone that time??? Hhmm... probably was too busy munching the "rojak". Hehehe... On Wednesday, felt a bit betrayed by one of my colleague and it affected me the whole day; either I'm being sensitive but can't be my observation proof me wrong? Just couldn't belief that just a simple advice can't be taken seriously. Instead, the other way around that happened... Was it human tend to behave like this? Always like to act oppossite to everything in order to feel challenged or proud of themselves? Once, my Uni-friend; Eric told me that, "These days, its hard to get true friends anymore, especially not in the corporate world... the only friends that still stick to us now are those from school, college and university. And they don't betrayed us and we still have little hope in trusting them." Guessed, he could be right... Once, we stepped out from the "education world", we practically faced with selfish people around us. Couldn't end the night with yet another disappointment that Stephane left me an offline message in Yahoo that he is away for vacation with his friends for 2 weeks. My heart just dropped on such a short noticed-given. So, my "live" comments & football spirit of World Cup Finals will be silent... On Thursday night, got a call from my sister informing that her family couldn't make it to the Port Dickson trip that I had planned for all of us because her hubby had to fly to Scotland on that weekend for job assignments. Asked me to re-schedule and I was like... urrgghhh... He just couldn't make himself available everytime when I even organised for my dad or mom's birthday lunch/dinner occasion. And now this?! Sis was suggesting I go ahead with my parents and my brother and that got me blown away... I emailed her and gave her a piece of my mind. "What is the purpose of me organising a family trip when your family can't even turn up? I can always go anywhere and whenever I like if it doesn't mean a thing to me at all... " As I spoke to dad on Friday, he said we should just go ahead with the plan with a very positive remark, "Its gonna be good to have a relaxing weekend by the beach and if its a nice place, we can go again with your sister & her family..." Dad just couldn't impressed me more when he always can soothe a bad situation and makes it look good again... so, basically, if my granny is not able to make it, its just gonna be the same crowd at home but in a bungalow on the beach. That perks me up a little... Was planning to meet up Jaime, Alan, Hau and the rest for World Cup Finals at Souled Out but my boss left for an oversea trip on Wednesday before I could apply for my leave. Looks like I had to watch it myself in my room and struggle to work the next day.
The start of the first week of July hasn't been quite well...probably the PMS that's affecting me so much this week. But, I had spend awful lot of hours on trying to beautify my Blog and I even installed the Chatbox... it sort of balanced out my mood and makes me feel better towards the weekends. I had been rushing my way back from work everyday in order to catch the Singaporean sitcom, "Home in Tao Payoh" and this week, it ended. So, I can stay back late at work from next week onwards 'coz the next sitcom is not good. Oopps...Time to had my lunch & hit the hay...
"Lovers meet tru fate & Loving someone is not wanting to own him but instead knowing that he is happy & blissfully blessed even if he choose to walk away from us one day."
Hi I.oana, thanks 4 stopping by my blog & I will go to your Blog & give u my opinions soon. Take Care!
Lois Lane should look desperate and is hopeless in falling in love. Hehehe. I kinda agree bout the boy-ish Superman.
I like the new Lois Lane; career-minded & married. Somehow, its a reward to the woman species in this movie. Unlike those Heroic movies where women always dressed up sexily & seducing the Hero. We; women has more important role you know. Hehehe... ;P
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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