It’s Monday again! Was a bit late to work today because my handphone just decide to give

Was not planning to post anything this week thinking that I’ll had lots to do at work but I was surprised that my in-tray was empty and I only left some claims to work on and filings. Usually, Friday is my Filing Day because we can wear casual and since filings can be quite ‘dirty’ sometimes. So, don’t plan to touch them until Friday unless, I really couldn’t find more important things to do later. Other than that, I had to “clean up” the main company’s mess under the Fertilizer Division. That is the task I would rather not talk about now because thinking of it just gives me the stressful thought. But, I know I had to work on it one of these days… probably should continue on it today since I’m free.
Forgotten that for this 2 days, there will be General Manager & Marketing meetings, I had to remind myself to come earlier tomorrow to get a better parking lot or else, I would end up like today, circled the company’s premise two times trying to get a bigger parking space to fit my “Little Camry”. Oh yes, my dad will send my "Little Camry" for service after driven for 1 month. So, back to Wira. *grins*
Hope my brother can work some miracle on my handphone because I simply love that phone. I was just telling my brother to get me more colourful covers so that I can match with my dressing some times and I even played around the Sony Ericson website where they charged USD24 to have our own personalized cover. It’s cool! Even though the phone is kinda “dinosaur” already but I still do not plan to get a new one until the current one drop dead. It’s only 3 years old and I do not hope that it end its life so soon. Please be alright…
The weekend was kinda relax and nice because I get to go shopping with Jaime and meet up my ‘high school’ friends. Some catch up to do because have not meet up one of them for like half a year. 3 of them couldn’t make it but I met them quite often so it’s ok. Usually, we don’t meet up in a big group unless one of our birthdays is around the corner. Other than that, the best thing that happened to me was on Saturday. It won’t sounds like it’s a blast to many but to me personally plant a memorable moment. Finally, I could swim without an assistant of a swimming-board. Ever since I was diagnose to have “lumbar scoliosis” (mine is in-born, no surgery necessary & not serious as it sounds), I was advised by an old family doctor that swimming is the best medicine to cure my condition as the Chiropractor is too costly and won’t guarantee healing. Many of you who personally know me, before I had an X-Ray on my backbone structure, I was actually visiting Chiropractors and my dad even brought me miles from home just to seek a Chinese Sin-Sei’s in Lumut and all that just only fix the problem temporarily. In 2005, I decided to had an X-Ray and finally know what is actually wrong with my backbones. So, I had been going to my dad’s club to swim every Saturday whenever I could and since than, I had no backache problem unless, I sit too long in my office chair. Before swimming, I went to do a little gym; run on the tread-mill and did less than 50 sit-ups. And last night, my abdomen part was aching when I was laughing watching Rina & Phat Fabes on Quickie.
This morning, when I reached my office table, one of the cactus I adopted from Chua has a mini flowery bud growing. Soon, it will blossom. Can’t wait… so isn’t that beautiful? (My cactus: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3)
Gotta be careful on yer backbone. Not something can play play wan. Hehehe.
Yup, that's why, I'm very particular about my shoes' height & also when I sit, walk, stand & pick up things ;D
Learn to love my bones!!
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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