Been more than 10 years since I last went for a vacation with my whole family & glad that my company has a benefit allowing staffs of higher position to reserve for these bungalows. But, I'm the only one from Glenmarie branch that had been to this bungalows. And the other staffs are waiting for my comments because they heard that its hard-chances to even make a reservation and they just dismissed the thought. And even the Admin & HR Department did not know there is such thing. I sort of stumble over this information and thought, "Why not?" I had not been to Port Dickson for so long and been finding a good chance to spend a weekend with my family away from the busy, polluted and noisy city life. Was really glad that my sister and her family can joined us as well and making reservation for it was just so simple, don't even have to be put on waiting list and all the negative comments that I hear from the MD's secretary, its not even true.
Left our home at about 8.10am to pick up my grandma at the other end of Klang town; Hill-top (our common calls). Weather was simply nice and non-sunny, probably because of the haze that's been around for the last couple of days. Dad do not allow me to drive so I only drove till Hill-top because he said "Little Camry" has not enough room and I told him, "Who said? My office people can go in the same car with 7 people." Think, he prefer to drive and so, I let him... Because, I also want him to check out driving long distance with it.
The highways are very straight and easy to follow. Now, they have a new highway from Port Dickson exit (North-South Highway) that do not require us to passed by Port Dickson town, we just have to follow the direction to Teluk Kemang. When, we reached Teluk Kemang, we saw a lot of abandon buildings and its just so quiet... not much cars on the road. My dad was trying to recall his past trips to that place and I was just busy looking for the signboards. Once we saw the Blue Lagoon in sight, we had to start looking for our bungalows' signboard. The entrance was so small; only 1 car can fit in. There are other signboards too and my mom & grandma was pretty teriffic with the road condition as its leads into the jungle. There are several bungalows along the narrow road and some have the "For Rent" signboard. Right then, my mom decided that we shouldn't leave the bungalows at night. Hehehe... Our bungalows are the last one on the road; and its right next to the thick lush green jungle. We reached at about 10am and Linda; the Supervisor Caretaker greeted us with a smile but I simply just still feel that she is not very "friendly" ever since I talked to her on the phone. So, I asked my sister to do most of the talking the whole duration I was there.
Bungalow: Annexe
Bungalow: Brunwells
The brownish sandy beach
My sister and her family arrived late so while waiting for them, we started to unpacked our things and I get to be on priority to choose the room I want. To my amazement, there are 3 beds in each room and there are still plenty of rooms to put extra beds. Brunwells is with 3 rooms and Annexe is with 2 rooms. Each room has attached bathroom and each bungalow has its own dining area, TV room and seating area (porch). Pictures attached will show you the bungalow designs; built in the British colonel time.

Lunch was served shortly at 1.30pm when my sister and her family arrived. Very good home-cook meal. We are not allow to cook anything in their kitchen and Linda, Sarah & their mom prepared all meals for us. I was thinking of taking pictures of them preparing food but then, the kitchen door is always closed, dare not interupt them.
The beach & the sea is half a football field away; we have plenty of space to run around; that's what Kristen do. She roams around alone and we are always looking for her. She feels so much at home; like a prisoner just being released from prison because she don't get that much chance to run around in a wide field like this. The field has lots of grasshopper, other insects and lots of ants under all the tree roots. Busy taking food into their Queens. Took some pictures of them but didn't seems to able to see the tiny ants in action.
Kristen is so excited to get to the beach when the sun is already out, she brought along her "plastic containers & cups" ~ her version of pails & spade. Hehehe... I was taking pictures of her and couldn't stop myself from buidling the sandcastles with her. Then, she decided to walk out to sea and got her dress wet and that's when I asked her to go change into her swimwear and we all did as well. OOhhh... my first chance to swim in an open-sea because before this, I do not know how to swim and usually just dip myself in there. But, this time, I swam with the wave and it was marvellous. Unfortunately, my dad didn't capture me in action! As I said earlier, its kinda dirty and I'm feeling a little itchy here and there and we called it a day as the tide is coming in as well.
Most of them take a nap while I hang out watching TV and dozed off on the sofa for like 30 minutes. Waited for tea-time; the apple tart is pretty alright and I made my first home-made Mocha! I love it!!! Never tried one in any cafe and I'm kinda addicted to it now that I know how to make my own. After tea, everyone hang-out at the TV and porch either watching TV, play games and simply chatting away while waiting for our next meal. After Kristen had her porridge, I brought her for a stroll at the beach with my brother and the wind is so strong...
Was planning to take a shower after my dinner but was feeling sticky and all the mosquitoes are attacking, I head to shower at about 7pm while the rest of them still feeding the blood-sucker & killing them at the same time. Woh! Very tradisional way of a bath; water from the well and need to bath with a "scoop". Feeling cool and clean, got into my pajamas, have not got much chance to bath and get dressed in an air-cond room so often. So, simply enjoying the sensation of it. Joined the rest at the Annexe porch shortly after that.
At 8.30pm, we had steamboat for dinner and its all home-made; from the Yong Tau Fu to the fish & sotong balls. Grandma who is a good cook herself, said its really good because they really compact the Yong Tau Fu. I wasn't feeling on top of the world after several bites, and can't do much cooking of my own because there is only 1 pot of it right in the middle. So, like a princess being treated like one, my dad scooped all the different choices for me. We all enjoyed our meals with the sea breeze blowing in thru the windoes & doors, we are trying our best to finish all the food but still, we were too full. There was a plate leftover and we personally returned to Linda and hoped that her family can eat them. Don't go wasted into the rubbish bin when she clean up the table.
Its almost 10pm when we finished and we took a walked around the premise to digest our full tummy and we saw the "beam lights" from the Lighthouse nearby. One of our neighbours had a camp-fire on and they are all merrily drinking and chatting away. As its way passed Kristen's bed-time, she is asked to go to bed accompany by my sister and her family. So, left 5 of us in Brunwells watching an old Hong Kong movie. Dad said since the company so rich, need to invest in Astro. Only went to bed at 11ish because nothing better to do. The crickets are out and about but couldn't hear much of the crashing waves at the shore because the windows are tightly closed, have no idea how to open them.
The first sound of the birds chirping woke me up at about 5am and I thought, I would want to see the sun-rise but it was pirch blackness when I opened my door. So, I returned back to sleep and woke up again at 7am when I heard the crashing waves. Its nice... to wake to that kind of nature music... but no sun-rise to see. Dad and grandma were already up and about; I started opening all the big windows in the TV room and it was so breezy on Sunday... our hairs are everywhere. Hahaha... what a sight!
Laze and chit-chat while 1 by 1 of us wake up. We didn't know that we will get up that early so we had to wait a bit longer for breakfast at 9am. So, all of them went for a walk at the beach and I stayed behind to accompany grandma and chit chat with her; catching up on things. We had Western breakfast and I had Mocha again... We head out to sea shortly after breakfast and again, it was great but still the water makes my skin itch. Was in there for only about 20 minutes and decide to clean-up for good. So, this trip, I didn't get that tan as I thought I would be. Started to pack my things and head out to take more pictures and finally rest my butt watching TV. Nothing much to watch also on a Sunday morning and end up watching some Tamil movie.
Had our lunch at about 12ish and wasn't too happy that they served steamed cabbage rather than coleslaw or salad when its Mushroom soup, Chicken Chop, Baked Beans & French Fries. Weird, the cabbage just didn't blend in well. Also, its home-made and its delicious; I had 3 pieces of Chicken Chop, lots of Baked Beans & Fries and a plate of Mushroom soup. *Yum yum*
My sister and her family had to leave early because they are stopping by Seremban to visit a relative there. So, the rest of us just laze around; do whatever we wanna do and about 4pm we left the place. The journey back was okie but dad sturbonly refused to hear my direction so we had to pay a little extra for tols and make a big U-turn. Feeling tired now... I'm heading to bed... Good-bye to uncivilisation...
~A Family Portrait~
~By the Sea~
~View from A Window~
Hehehe... *hugs back* Thanks for your concern about the mosquitoes, I didn't have any problem sleeping at night as they have air-conditional in the rooms. I slept like a pig... We have this device like a "badminton racket" that we used to BBQ the mosquitoes & inserts. My bro-in-law is holding one in the picture.
I do visit your blog kinda often, so I will read your reply comments ;D
Dear Faith, i am happy to read that u enjoyed a lot your vacation. By the way, i didnt know you were a mosquitos killer ;) See u soon on the web :)
Hahaha... I didn't kill the mosquitoes. It was my bro-in-law ;P
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
nice place....
who runs this place. Maybe i'll bring my family along for a weekend there.
any contact number for this place?
Sorry "anonymous", this is a private company own property.
And since you did not leave a name and email address, I could not quite reach you. But, if you really interested, I can check it out if "public" can rent this bungalows. Would you mind leaving me an email?
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