David sent me this and despite I only know how to read the first row: "chong chew jie kuai le" and not the rest of the mandarin character, I find it so cute. Hope everyone of you reading will have a good evening during this full-moon night. I shall gaze out of my bedroom window and enjoy it...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Dreamy Weekend
Lately, I've been broke with very little money left in my account since I last checked it and somehow, this weekend, I suddenly has this dreamy thoughts of owning the house next-door. YES! In the state that I know how money is important and well aware that I'm not in any position to invest in a house at this very moment, but the thoughts just lingers since Saturday morning despite that I'm near penny-less, I just kept having the vision how I want my own house to look like and since I'm staying in one that is exactly the same next door, it helps me a lot to vision it clearer. I started drawing pictures in my mind how I want the sliding door of the main entrance to be changed to some fancy half door and half window 3-4 panels and I want to have a timber-flooring veranda, where I'll put a small coffee table and a cosy-lazy chair for me to have my breakfast or even read a book during the windy/rainy days and accompany by the few wind-chimes.
Then, I started picturing some walls that are being break down so that, I'll share a living hall with my parent's house so that we can actually have a wider living hall where we can fit our Lee families that come to visit all at the same time despite that I know how much my mom dislike having parties. Then, I even will have the wall break that divides that two houses at the car porch so, we can have more space to park our cars, even accommodating my sister's who will be visiting. And will change a bigger electric-gate that is folder-able which means, the houses sharing one main gate. And I simply love a mini-garden and I'll grow some bamboos and maybe even made a small little pond for some carp and a miniature bird-bath because I sure enjoys having those robins visiting my garden for a bath wherever they feel like having one. And I'll probably have to spend some time with some gardening to grow some beautiful flowers that survive in our Malaysia weather.
As for the room downstairs, I'll probably break it to make a dining space to accommodate a bigger table and some space to make a big store-room to store all the junks in my dad's car booth. Hahaha... I'm sure the "extra space" will be a delight. Of course, I want to have a nice kitchen which display as many cookery, pots, pans, electrical appliances and the list goes on...
I shall blend in the design of the staircase to be like my parent's house so at least, it looks matching from, two stairways; one on the left and one on the right. Oh yes, and not forgetting the plaster ceilings and maybe, if I can even find space to actually buy a baby-grand piano, that is definitely a dream come true!!
The other two extra rooms upstairs will be left as guest rooms or I'll make the smaller one into a study-room where I put shelves for all my books. Am I delighted that I can now display my books on shelves instead of all safely hidden in a box under the bed or in the storeroom.
Hence, today, having the whole house to myself for a couple of hours, I started walking around and drawing pictures in my mind and planning where I should put the furnitures, the tv and God, how much I enjoy my dreamy weekend...
Friday, September 14, 2007
BBQ Lattern Festival
This is the first time my company is organising a BBQ Lattern Festival in our company's compound. And unfortunately, I'm put to in-charge again for this event and the worst part was, only in the morning, was I told that I had to be the emcee as well due to the previously arranged staff is already on medical leave for 2 days. With much protest and yet, I was treathen to be refered to the Corporate Service GM for a "brain-wash/lecture" if I do not want to be.
~ I was trying to get a good shot of the latterns~

Despite the very much sadness creeps, the excitement for the event enpower me and I was honestly not in much mood to work after 2pm as I was running around, getting things ready with the rest of the committee members and it started to pour heavily around 2plus also. And for the rest of the evening, it was drizzling once a while and by around 7pm, we hang the latterns and I think we really need "them" to lift up the festive-mood.
I did not get much chance to savour the delicious food as how I could and should due to the constant pressure from being the emcee and not forgeting shouting my lungs out to get the whole bunch of people to listen to me who happened to be small and petite size girl. What more, there is no microphone for me.... What?!?! When I first throw out the question in the morning, the rest of the committees looked at me as though I was talking in "alien-language" and by the evening, I really freaked out because there isn't a microphone after all!
Overall, it was kinda messy with the things not prepared properly by the Chairlady because I can't be emcee-ing and go arrange the props for the games, right? I have no idea what is the matter but towards the end of the night when I was just sitting and listening to some colleagues' jokes about the "propective bartender", I overheard the big boss thanking the Chairlady and 1 of the staff (who wasn't even the committee) for the event and he left the party. I was almost falling asleep by 9plus and despite I was forced to stay-back to clean up, I did not after hearing what the big boss thanking people who didn't even do anything, my "mood" to continue to stay just vanish with the thin-air that is around me... Me; who yelled my lungs out did not even get a personal thank-you?!?! I had enough of this... I left with much dissapointment inside...
Overall, it was kinda messy with the things not prepared properly by the Chairlady because I can't be emcee-ing and go arrange the props for the games, right? I have no idea what is the matter but towards the end of the night when I was just sitting and listening to some colleagues' jokes about the "propective bartender", I overheard the big boss thanking the Chairlady and 1 of the staff (who wasn't even the committee) for the event and he left the party. I was almost falling asleep by 9plus and despite I was forced to stay-back to clean up, I did not after hearing what the big boss thanking people who didn't even do anything, my "mood" to continue to stay just vanish with the thin-air that is around me... Me; who yelled my lungs out did not even get a personal thank-you?!?! I had enough of this... I left with much dissapointment inside...
Saturday, September 08, 2007
YM Youth Race
Last Sunday, I got an sms from May requesting me to participate for the YM Youth Race and straight-away I replied her with a very pleading-remarks and begging her not to put me into the race as a participant. I told her, I don't mind volunteer myself to help out with the preparation or the race. And of course, my wish is granted! :D
After last year's race's experience, I do not wish to stay in bed for one whole day and also difficulities walking up and down staircases for one whole week. But, this year's Youth Race is very mild, it's just within the church compound and nothing too "gorry" or "delicious" to attempt. We started about 9am and about 12pm, we completed all the groups. I was in-charged with Ah Siang to take care of the station where we get the participants to wash cars with their legs tied to each other. Got sun-burn due to running around with my camera to take the pictures while they wash the cars and at times, the sun is blazing hot.
Despite that I don't participate but I sure shed-off some fat by running around and getting all sweaty and splash from the excited participants while washing the cars.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Methodist Prayer Convention 2007
Glad everything when pretty smoothly and the best, there is no traffic congestion and we did not face any problem when we enter and exit the stadium grounds. And of course, I kept telling my dad also that the Holy Communion should be done the same way in our church because this really can save up lots of time and energy. The Baptist church in Port Moresby that I attend can do it, why can't KCMC? Just as a matter of wanting or not I supposed... maybe, there is a reason behind for not wanting to do so...
Theme Song:
We'll walk the land, with hearts on fire,
And every step will be a prayer
Hope is rising, new day dawning,
Sound of singing fills the air.
Two thousand years and still the flame
Is burning bright across the land,
Hearts are waiting, longing, aching,
For awakening to the Lord.
Let the flame burn brighter
In the heart of the darkness,
Turning night to glorious day
Let the song grow louder
As our love grows stronger,
Let it shine, let it shine.
We'll walk for truth, speak out for love
In Jesus' name, we shall be strong
To lift the fallen, to save the children,
To fill the nation with you song
Took some pictures of the stadium but somehow, I forgotten to take a picture of my parents and myself... poor memory... but my camera is also getting quite poor quality these days. Think it's time for an upgrade... Hhhmmm... 

Saturday, September 01, 2007
"Selamat Pengantin Baru"

In my lifetime, today is the 2nd time I attended a "kenduri" (Malay-wedding) and this is the first I was officially invited with an invitation card. Congratulation to Erni & Izar and not forget Uncle Rosli & Aunty Zaitun.

Did not get any chance to speak to the bride herself but it was nice to meet up the "boys-next door", they sure grew to be young men that even if I see them in the mall, it will be very hard for me to recognize them. Hehehe...