Any musical instrument or play or concert would have my attention any day or any time if I could attend as long as it's not too pricey. What more when this concert is FOC? How amazing this is, right? First, I invited Yen Lin with me but because of her work schedule, she was unable to attend. Was delighted on Friday night that Dad said he is keen provided I'm too :D Then, Bro said he is going too on Saturday morning... Just wished Mom could have come with us too. She missed it!
Took some video clips but it won't be the same being presence in the concert rather than watching the video on a screen. A little introduction of the saxophonist...

Bro. Sam Hsiao - a multi-awarded Christian saxophonist from Taiwan also known as Mr Saxophone shared his music and life-testimony in our church tonight. In the beginning, his testimony was making some people laughed but personally, I felt sad hearing it. He plays saxophone to earn money as he said he did it for Ah-Mei and the other famous singers before and he stopped after his marriage failed; he turned to God and since blow hymns. His mom disowned him when he became a Christian. He came from very troubled family with his dad being a drug addict that goes in and out of the rehabilitation center when he was growing up. And after his marriage failed, he lost everything from family to all the world materialistic items in his life. But, Praised the Lord he trusted God and He has since bring him around. Sadly, two of his brothers got themselves into acholic and they passed away several years ago. Her sister was depressed and tried to commit suicide by jumping from the tall building but did not died and just paralyzed and needed her mom to take care of her. The saddest thing that he said really make my heart aches when I heard it was; his mom passed away 3 days ago but because he needed to finish his tour; he won't go back for his mom's funeral until the tour ended. After all this that has happened to him and his family and how he touches his mom by taking care of her during her bed-ridden time, his mom has finally come out of her senses and accepted him back. Once again, Praised the Lord! How can we not be grateful for the reunion of this mother & son?
The concert ended with him informing us of his various CDs on sale and we can actually get his autograph too. I squeezed my way thru the counter that sells the CDs and asked Dad for his opinion on which CD to purchase as it's all in Mandarin characters. Got one for RM30 and rushed back to the front pupit where Mr Sam is with Rev. Yeo talking. Surprisingly, I was the first person to get his autograhp. Kekeke... Love to have a photo shot with him but then, my Bro is not around with me. With feelings of serenidity... I left the church to where my Dad & Bro are waiting.
Can you see the autograph on the CD in black-ink on the left side?
While we were waiting for the cars that are blocking us from leaving the church, Dad took me for a surprised when he said he always wanted to learn to blow a saxophone and he was telling us he saw 1 on sale at the Cash Convertor for a thousand plus ringgit. Hhmmm... can my Dad still have the breath to control and blow a saxophone?
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