Accidentally dropped my glasses on Sunday and each corner of the lenses chip-off. Was getting ready for the church-conference dinner and carelessly knock-down my glasses from my dressing-corner. Showed Dad the result of it and he said, "You can change the lenses or it's a sign that it's time you get a new pair of glasses" with a chuckled.
Been scouting around few months for a new-pair that I could "love at first sight" but so far no such luck, almost decided to get a new-pair with Scott the last time we visited his regular optician but due to the pricing; he decided that he is not up to it. Thus, I also took the chance as an excuse to look for the "ONE" when I think I really need it.
Just collected my new-pair specially picked by my Dad last night. Over hundreds for him to select; he can end-up picking the high-end range... Burned my wallet but since I was not as enthusiastic as I should, I just go with whatever choice my Dad thinks looks good on me. Looking at it now thru the mirror reflection, I simply think it's just a pair of eye-glass and I'll probably take a while to get use to the new one since my power actually decrease a bit 1 eye.
Being not a fashion-lover or anyone close to that, I can only depend on others to give me opinions. Probably I had grew up to always seek opinions from my Dad and it's been in-born and habitual for me. Hehehe... Think if one day, if I ever get rich, I wanna have my own personal fashion-adviser!
Oh yeah... What took me most surprised last night was when I was checking my eye-sight and the man who served me said, "This lenses has no power for long-sighted, only astigmatism" and me being astound, "Really? That's strange." A few months ago when I visited my regular optician when I had the headaches, I don't recall him saying such a thing. And I'm not sure I should be jumping for joy so soon knowing this new fact... Before last night, I had no chance to wear contact-lenses due to the long-sighted but now, with special-ordered contact-lenses for astigmatism, I can actually wear them!! Wwweeeee...that will be my next plan when I have more money to spend. :D
Been scouting around few months for a new-pair that I could "love at first sight" but so far no such luck, almost decided to get a new-pair with Scott the last time we visited his regular optician but due to the pricing; he decided that he is not up to it. Thus, I also took the chance as an excuse to look for the "ONE" when I think I really need it.
Just collected my new-pair specially picked by my Dad last night. Over hundreds for him to select; he can end-up picking the high-end range... Burned my wallet but since I was not as enthusiastic as I should, I just go with whatever choice my Dad thinks looks good on me. Looking at it now thru the mirror reflection, I simply think it's just a pair of eye-glass and I'll probably take a while to get use to the new one since my power actually decrease a bit 1 eye.
Being not a fashion-lover or anyone close to that, I can only depend on others to give me opinions. Probably I had grew up to always seek opinions from my Dad and it's been in-born and habitual for me. Hehehe... Think if one day, if I ever get rich, I wanna have my own personal fashion-adviser!
Oh yeah... What took me most surprised last night was when I was checking my eye-sight and the man who served me said, "This lenses has no power for long-sighted, only astigmatism" and me being astound, "Really? That's strange." A few months ago when I visited my regular optician when I had the headaches, I don't recall him saying such a thing. And I'm not sure I should be jumping for joy so soon knowing this new fact... Before last night, I had no chance to wear contact-lenses due to the long-sighted but now, with special-ordered contact-lenses for astigmatism, I can actually wear them!! Wwweeeee...that will be my next plan when I have more money to spend. :D

you should take a pic wearing the new eye wear
*shy* I personally don't think I look good in it though.
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