Jasmine and I supposed to meet up our 4 other colleagues for our last rehearsal on our Gothic choreography at at 4.30pm @ One World Hotel. Because I missed one turning that I had to take towards IKEA; somehow I had to make several turns and with the late-noon traffic not too pleasant, we arrived at IKEA to get our candles & it's candle-holder shortly by 4pm. And the queue for the payment took us ages. And by 5pm, we struggled to look for our colleagues and last option, we head to the restroom to get dressed and get our make-up done. SO, you can imagine how awful and ugly it is... maybe, it suited our theme well...
The most memoriable among all will be Jasmine and I had to work on our black-nail polish in my small-macho Kembara. Forgetting our femininity, we had to struggle in the car to get our nails ready for our choreography... WE almost forgotten about it...

Once Dato' Lee arrived, we were allowed to enter the ballroom. Seating arrangement is actually flexible but I ended up sitting with the fertilizer-group because of our choreography. First dish was beautiful and delicious; four-season is always nice no doubt in any restaurant. Following that... everything is normal and being in a expensive hotel, I honestly don't recommend to take the food here again...

Possing for our Gothic-choreography group picture minutes before our turn (the men with lighted candles & the women with a bible & a stem of rose); it's not easy to look serious and horrifying!! Especially Vincent; he is always grinning-charmingly. Hahahaha... even in this picture, he couldn't help himself from smiling to the camera.
Phew... what a relief when the choreography ended and I can wipe off my dark-purplish lipstick. The whole ballroom was stunned with our horrfying look and how fierce we are that they kept silent the whole time we entered the ballroom on the red-carpet. I wasn't even looking at anyone's face expression in case I grinned our chuckled... I just kept a stern-lip and walked thru the crowds who were figuring out what we are doing next.
After our meals & booze; we head out to the photo-corner and feeling on-top-of the world with Ng winning the grand-luckydraw prize (a trip to Bali for two), he wanna us to fool around in front of the hired-camera-men. Meanwhile, Joshua & Chong haven't had their self-portrait taken earlier so they decided they want all of us to be in their "portray" to bring home as memoir. And after the printout came out; I was so in love with the "shots"!! I love the big-group shot.
woow !! nice picture
big guy hold u..ur boy fren ?
macam ada class one, like wedding PHOTO.
Nice picture hoh... but I'm damn ugly!!
No lar; my married-colleague who won Lucky Draw Grand Prize to Bali for two. So, he is hyper-happy :D
Yea... some pictures taken by paid professional photographer.
omg!! why show the pics!!! ugly!!!! dun care, 2009 i wan be the pretty one...
Eerr... who are you Anonymous? :)
No lar... pictures are all pretty & handsome people.
No worries, 2009 you will definitely be pretty one. Hope there will be another elegant annual dinner, yea.
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