Monday, December 22, 2008

Bright Sunny Monday

Surprisingly, it's a beautiful bright sunny Monday for me...
Just got into office about 15 minutes ago and I still have some time to spare before I start my work officially. Thought, I'll just blog a little since I'm feeling good today despite that my body is aching and tired but the spirit is alive... Totally no blues... kekeke... feeling really otherwise!

Last night, I had a very late night... I dozed off almost 1am which is actually today morning. Finally, finish the HK drama: Moonlight Resonance of 40 episodes. It's a drama full of tears and despite the ending was somehow normal but everyone ended happy at last.

Left home about 7.10am and my car-radio was tuned to and happened that then put on many of my favourite songs. And to top that up, Serena C & Pietro as usual have a topic to discuss and debate among themselves and listeners who calls in. Today, as per Pietro, it was proven thru a research that, "Men spend more than women." Hillarious when I first hear it but when you actually ponder over it... somehow, its true to some extend. But Pietro was putting this higher spending expenses of men to blame it on women because they have to buy us many things, for eg. flowers, chocolates, gifts, diamond, gold... the list goes on.

Hahaha... Unfortunately, there are many women callers that agrees with the statement and started mentioning and telling about the men that they know, how they spend and blaaa... Pietro also mentioned how men purchase a quality item which is very costly as compare to the quantity. I just wished I could continue to sit in my car even after I arrived the office and listen on to this topic. *chuckled* I couldn't stop myself from wonder that maybe, the world is turning to a different trend these days... Men loves to spend as much as women nowsdays, if you walk around you and observed, men indeed have been spending on service/treatments that we used to think women only does that. There is nothing to be embarrassed about and of course, we are not always talking about equality between men and women.

I shall leave this post to everyone to ponder just like me this morning and I hope, I'll have a good Monday ahead of me... it started well and smooth... and it shall end like it started. Have a nice Monday and look forward to a Merry Christmas everyone!


Anonymous said...

hehe... so nice Monday? bad one for me... i still think women spend more than men wor...


Faith said...

Hahaha :D
You have not come across man that is a big spender yet.

Faith said...


Ur day will get better... don't worry... I'm sure it will since we are going shopping later. :P