Just got back from an amazing warehouse book sale. Took me 30+mins to get my books paid… hehehe… its pretty common. I don’t have much time to browse thru books at all. I just go hunt around for Kristen’s & my sister's shopping-book-list.
After 1 round that took me around 20 minutes searching for their books, I failed to find them. So, I went back to th only corner that attracted me upon my entrance in the first time; that was the long table with books stacked-up quite high with John Grisham, Stephen’s King & Barbara Taylor that are familiar to me. To my surprised, when I returned, the books stacked high is very low and some of the authors that are not familiar to me are finished! This author; Jodi Picoult was grabbed like hot-cakes and I managed to grab all the last 3 books of her. Sister said she read once her book but she don't like 'em. After reading each of the book's synopsis, I find it alright so I hope I won't regret grabbing them all. Hahaha!!
I couldn't find any Danielle Steel nor the other new popular authors … and just on my way to the cashier, I saw the "Marley & Me" book that I was planning to look for today. Since the book attracted my attention in KK's airport last month, I had wanted to get it. Once again the book just "called out" to me so I grabbed it. I'm very sure the book was not there earlier, someone must have put them back because there are some "dog-ears" on the cover and a few pages. Definitely not too good a quality but I don't mind.
Lucky I managed to get back into office by 2pm. Actually, I wasted around 15 mins looking for the location of the building and indeed I had wasted quite some precious time. If the map given would have mentioned Xerox; where I used to work, I would have not taken the other side of the road and make a big-circle from behind. Would have just gone straight passed Jaya 33 and take a right-turning. Also since I have quite forgotten the area after so many years, also my own fault too but it's an adventure to learn them back again... It's also pretty normal for me to get "lost" sometimes at unfamiliar places; as long as I willing to learn and remember them the next time, that's nothing wrong about it.
Big Bad Wolf Books rented a floor from this vacant building next to Kodak. After trying to look for a parking along the road, nothing available. Without wanting to waste more of my time, I decided to check with the Guard of the building because I could see from the road, there are ample parking spaces inside the building compound. And Pak-Cik Guard said need to pay him RM3 and I was like, "huh?" and I think the Guard "masuk" into his own pocket wan... Because, I actually parked at the Kodak's visitor's space.
Quickly make my way up to 2nd-floor, already see lots of people coming out with plastic bags full of books & magazines. Some even carting big boxes!! And it’s with air-cond. It’s quite nice to browse thru if you have the whole day. I saw people pushing their market-cart and books are pilling up in them. Even saw 2 people carrying the "guni-sack" type of bag; huge!! when I was lining up to pay for my books.
WwooHhoo!!! I’m satisfied with my purchase!! I bought 5 books for myself and 1 book for my sister. Just dissapointed that I couldn't get anything for Kristen.
After 1 round that took me around 20 minutes searching for their books, I failed to find them. So, I went back to th only corner that attracted me upon my entrance in the first time; that was the long table with books stacked-up quite high with John Grisham, Stephen’s King & Barbara Taylor that are familiar to me. To my surprised, when I returned, the books stacked high is very low and some of the authors that are not familiar to me are finished! This author; Jodi Picoult was grabbed like hot-cakes and I managed to grab all the last 3 books of her. Sister said she read once her book but she don't like 'em. After reading each of the book's synopsis, I find it alright so I hope I won't regret grabbing them all. Hahaha!!
I couldn't find any Danielle Steel nor the other new popular authors … and just on my way to the cashier, I saw the "Marley & Me" book that I was planning to look for today. Since the book attracted my attention in KK's airport last month, I had wanted to get it. Once again the book just "called out" to me so I grabbed it. I'm very sure the book was not there earlier, someone must have put them back because there are some "dog-ears" on the cover and a few pages. Definitely not too good a quality but I don't mind.
Lucky I managed to get back into office by 2pm. Actually, I wasted around 15 mins looking for the location of the building and indeed I had wasted quite some precious time. If the map given would have mentioned Xerox; where I used to work, I would have not taken the other side of the road and make a big-circle from behind. Would have just gone straight passed Jaya 33 and take a right-turning. Also since I have quite forgotten the area after so many years, also my own fault too but it's an adventure to learn them back again... It's also pretty normal for me to get "lost" sometimes at unfamiliar places; as long as I willing to learn and remember them the next time, that's nothing wrong about it.
Big Bad Wolf Books rented a floor from this vacant building next to Kodak. After trying to look for a parking along the road, nothing available. Without wanting to waste more of my time, I decided to check with the Guard of the building because I could see from the road, there are ample parking spaces inside the building compound. And Pak-Cik Guard said need to pay him RM3 and I was like, "huh?" and I think the Guard "masuk" into his own pocket wan... Because, I actually parked at the Kodak's visitor's space.
Quickly make my way up to 2nd-floor, already see lots of people coming out with plastic bags full of books & magazines. Some even carting big boxes!! And it’s with air-cond. It’s quite nice to browse thru if you have the whole day. I saw people pushing their market-cart and books are pilling up in them. Even saw 2 people carrying the "guni-sack" type of bag; huge!! when I was lining up to pay for my books.
WwooHhoo!!! I’m satisfied with my purchase!! I bought 5 books for myself and 1 book for my sister. Just dissapointed that I couldn't get anything for Kristen.
I love the wolf-paw-print on the plastic-bag!!! Oh yea, anyone who reads my Blog and interested to borrow the books in my collection, you're welcome to let me know. You can have 'em anytime.
"Sharing is Caring, Caring is Loving."
Note: I'm not promoting for Big Bad Wolf Books but if you're book-lover or even magazine-craze, go check them out! From 14 (Thu) to 18 (Mon) May 2009 : 10am-9pm. Big Bad Wolf Books is brought to you by the people behind BookXcess as they truly believe in helping people read more for less.

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