A. Accommodation
Staying at the three bedroom apartment @WaterCity Resort. Dinner & breakfast provided for 6pax.
B. Itinerary
Saturday, June 17, 2006
7:00am: ETD Klang
9:00am: Breakfast @Chicken Ball2 Rice, Historical Site
11:00am: Tan Kim Hock & Cendol
2:00pm: Check In, Rest & Leisure (swimming, canoe,go-kart, zzz)
6:30pm: Satay Celup Dinner & Shopping @ Jonker Street
9:00pm: Jetty/Malacca Beach/Lighthouse @ Pantai Kundur, Roti John & Ayam Golek supper (30 mins from Malacca Town)/ Portugese Settlement
12:00pm: Nite nite
Sunday, June 18, 2006
8:30am In-house breakfast
9:15am Checkout
10:00am Church service @ Wesley Methodist Church,Tengkera
12:00pm Lunch (Beef noodle/foodcourt)
2:00pm Dusun Visit
4:00pm Tatas Malacca
6:00pm Dinner with own family (it’s Father’s Day la)
Another weekend Getaway to Malacca. Even my sis were wondering why suddenly I become addicted to travelling around Malaysia and craving for food. Had my alarm for 6am but only struggled up at 6.10am and get myself ready and waited for May to pick me up at 6.50am. We gathered in Siang's house and we waited for everyone to arrive. We had our prayers before we start our journey at 7.15am. All were punctual; 3 cars with May, James & Wei Hong as the driver and other 10 passengers. Stop for petrol and quick bites at "Projet" opposite Putra Height, USJ. Didn't know they have turn the forest into housing project, have not use this road for a few years. Some delays here and there and May started off with driving 90km/hr. And the other 2 drivers called and request to drive faster as the limit is 110km/hr. Hehehe... cause they complaint that they are falling asleep. Arrived Air Keroh exit at 9am and took about 30 minutes to get to Malacca town. Feel like I entered a town with Springs season... colourful and various flowers everywhere along the roads. It was about 4 years ago my last visit to Malacca and some had changed indeed. Our first stop : Chicken Rice Ball for brunch. I was telling the rest that we should have half of our hunger filled and proceed to another shop of Chicken Rice Ball (down the road) but then, only U-Xinn agreed with my plans. And it was too late also as the 2nd table already re-ordered the chicken and the rice. After brunch, we walked to the Historical Sites as our cars were parked along the Malacca River. Its now dirty but still some fishes survive in there, but still cleaner than Klang River.
Christ Church (http://www.malacca.ws/attractions/christchurch.htm) and we took group pictures here and at Clock Tower, The Stadthuys & Town Square (the fountain not functioning). We saw lots of colourful (decorated with artificial flowers) and fascinating trishaw offering their services and trying their best to be the best; some had the latest dance music on to attract tourists. We proceed to climb the St.Paul Hill and passed by the back part of Laksamana Cheng Ho with the statue back. Arrived Portuguese Square (http://www.malacca.ws/attractions/protuguese.htm) and we were greeted by St Francix Xavier statue. A short rest while chit chating and candid pictures, U-Xinn was immitating the Tour Guide; telling us the historical stories and one of his remarks came as Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat are actually Chinese and that's why now, our Malaysia's History Textbook already removed these few warriors' names (Pahlawan of Melaka). To my surprised, I recalled studying them when I was in high school. Sounds like our M'sian are kinda racist to be doing this... So what if these warriors are descendants from the Chinese?? We left the Hill and descended to Porta de Santiago (http://www.malacca.ws/attractions/porta.htm) and came to fortress of A' Famosa.
Overall, this is not my first time to this historical sites so, I didn't really spend much time reading on the tablets or even look at the tomb much. As as we are leaving, to my much disapointment, the big empty land where we could take Bullock Cart rides (opposite Mahkota Parade) is demolished and some new building is coming up. When approaching our car, I passed by a Cafe where they had a man-made pond with tortoises inside, I stopped by to look at them and how much I missed mine that died several months ago.

We head back to our cars and May stopped by to order homemade pineapple tarts. And then, we went to Tan Kim Hock for cendol and bought some Malacca dried delicacies. I bought Dodol to bring back for my colleagues. Again, to my much amazed, here, they not only sells Malacca's delicacies but also other parts of Peninsular Malaysia's delicacies. So commercialised! No wonder, we can find all this things from KL itself. I came across Durian Jam and I'm debating in my mind whether to get it and Melissa & Cteven asked me what am I so astonished at... Told them that I wanted to try the Durian Jam but its selling in big bottle... so, they told me its good for durian lover and on toast bread. At the end, I didn't get it. Its not cheap and I'm worried that it might end up in the rubbish bin. On our way out from this place, the Dato Tan Kim Hock arrived in his old Merc; dressed in full white suit and still walking straight and tall with white-grey hair, every staff stood up and greet him and he returned their greets and smiled at us who just stared at him. It was kind of a shocked that we were informed by Noelle that the owner has arrived; thought she was only joking with us. We are caught off guard! We had a game in our car, Nicho, Siang and me had to keep track of the MAY car plates that we come acrossed. Everytime, we saw one, we shouted "MAY!!" and everytime, we did that, our poor May will be startled thinking that we are warning her of some unexpected cars from somewhere. Hahaha...

Left the Malacca town and head back to the exit of Air Keroh because Watercity Resort is near the Air Keroh exit. We arrived the Resort at about 2 plus and there are lots of people because there is a function happening there. The largest is organised by PHHP (People Happily Helping People)and they are all wearing bright orange uniforms. So, its not hard to spot them and they are like 60-70% of the resort's crowd. Everywhere we go, we see them. Since, we do not want the Resort staff to know we checked in 13 people instead of 6 pax, some of us stayed behind in our cars and Siang & me followed May to check-in. The receiptionist is rude and not helpful and we waited for an hour plus to get into the 3 bedrooms aparment with no air-cond in the hall and no hot water in the toilet. Its still a new block and it was fully booked for the weekends. And the rest of the apartment condition can be easily imaged as lots of amenities are not available. I actually dozed off in the crowded and warm (only fan) lounge and when awake, I ordered a mango juice to quench my thirst with the thinking that I won't be getting the apartment soon. So, this resort is highly not recommended and I will never step my foot ever again into it. Most of us were tired and bored while waiting for the apartment, so we bought the coupon for go-kart and I tagged along to be their photographer. They only allow 3 people max to be on 1 lap and the coupon entitled for 4 laps. One lap is only 400m and it was quick for them to finish. And U-Xinn couldn't help but had additional 1 lap thinking that he only had 3 laps and zoom off for the 5th lap when the staff tried to stopped him. Hehehe.. naughty lar him! Next to the go-kart was supposed to be the mini Water Theme Park with the slides. But, it was now dried up and abandon and I asked the staff at the go-kart what happend and they told me that lots of accidents happened there and they decide to stop it. Lots of kids and guests who went on the slides end up on the hard platform near the pool instead of in the pool of water. How dangerous!! Poorly designed & architectured!

Once we got the key and arrived in the apartment, Siang & Noelle decide who to sleep which room and where. As for me, I raised my hand to opt for the sofa (my favourite choice) when I joined a group of people for an over-crowded room/apartment. They are against the idea of me as they said the guys should sleep in the hall and not the gals. Hahaha... As some of us can't wait to jump into the pool, I adviced them to decide on the beds later in the evening. But, U-Xinn jumped on all the beds in the rooms and snuggled his body on them. Hahaha... can you imagine the anger from the gals?!?! Nicho, Choon Tat, Wei Hong, U-Xinn, Siang and myself head to the pool first and we started off the splish and splash. As Choon Tat don't know how to swim and slightly afraid of the depth, he was hanging around the edges of the pool. Nicho & Wei Hong kept tricking him on the depth of the pool especially at the middle section. And I had to also pretend that it was deep for their sake. The guys were very mischiefed, they are trying to "drown" each other by pulling them under-water. It all started as Choon Tat was afraid of the depth. Then, James, Joyce & Sue Jane joined us with their clothes still on... Where is the swim wear? They claimed that they didn't bring with them. So, they sat at the pool side and wadding their legs in the pool. And they didn't bring the camera.. ahhh.. what a waste!! Since most of them do not know how to swim except U-Xinn and Wei Hong, Siang decide on a game. The gals had to sit on the guys' shoulder and the gals had to push each other into the pool. The 1st gal to drop into the water lose. Siang paired with U-Xinn and Nicho paired with me. As Choon Tat don't know how to swim, we can't get him into the water and he doesn't know how to breath inside to allow gals to sit on his shoulder. And I don't kinda like Wei Hong so I picked Nicho. Gosh! My fear of falling into the water is tremendous and I had difficulties balancing myself on Nicho's shoulder. With the water around us, its also slippery effect and I pushing & pulling with all my strength trying to get Siang down. Woh!! She is strong!! Joyce, Sue Jane and James are cheering from the side. When I finally lost my grip, I fell off into the water and Nicho came into the water with me as I pulled him along for support so I got water all into my lungs struggling to getaway from Nicho and finding the surface. One fearful moment... I couldn't take another game so soon, so, we decided to get Joyce, Sue J and James into the pool. U-Xinn and Nicho pulled Sue J in and Sue pulled Joyce in the process of trying to avoid herself from getting into the pool. Hahaha... I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. James managed to stand up and run for his life. And then, we all called him, "chicky" and he claimed that he don't have extra pants. Nicho offered him and he volunteered to slip into the pool with a big smile. Actually, they are looking forward to the water just they don't have proper attire. Once 3 of them got into the pool, we had another rounds of "gals fight". I have no idea what the game called. So, any readers out there who know of the name, please leave me a comment and let me know. 1st round: Siang fight with Joyce. Sue J with me. Siang paired with James, Joyce paired with Wei Hong, Sue J paired with Nicho and I paired with U-Xinn. We had a round of trial to learn how to balance ourselves on the guy's shoulder. U-Xinn came up with strategies with me... like its gonna work. I lose to Sue Jane also but our "fight" was the longest recorded. We are both the same size and having the same strength. For a second, my arms sort of give way and weaken but I clingged on to Sue J but the fall was caused by U-Xinn who gave up because Nicho was doing something to him. Hehehe... My second fall into the water was as scary but it lasted faster because no one was above me. Next, I suggested to everyone that we should play a game that Choon Tat can play also. So, we played "police & theft" and our prison is the man-made waterfall at the end of the pool. How imaginative huh? We had 4 rounds and all of us tired from catching and runing in the pool so we hang out at the edges and we started the "learn how to swim" section. James wanted to learn the proper way to swim as he only know doggy-style. And Joyce wanted to learn how to swim backwards. After lazing for a while, they tried to "drown" Siang. And their next target was me and when U-Xinn grabbed my left foot, I tried to run towards the edge and scream my lungs out(never had I scream this loud and much in my attire life; usually when I'm scared, I closed my eyes and hold my breath) and get up from the pool and when his strength is stronger than me and when I saw other guys approaching, I begged U-Xinn with my most pitiful and grief look, "pleaseeee...." And he let me go and all the other guys, "Wah...like that also can ah?" and U-Xinn replied, "she gave me that look that I don't have the heart to do it on her" and I sat up and take my breath. As U-Xinn & Nicho don't quite like Joyce & Sue Jane, so they never tried to drown them. I swim away from them for a while and when its almost 6.30pm, Siang urged 2 guys to go get their shower as the guys have free dinner at the restaurant. All of them are reluctant to do so... and they have to "lat" in order to see who is the loser. U-Xinn and Wei Hong had to leave us first. Before U-Xinn leave, he tried to drown me the 2nd time claiming that it will only be fair for Siang who got drown by them 2-3 times. This time I was prepared, so I managed to swim and kick my way out from their grips and came up to the surface. Yeh! And Siang and Nicho said, "yo.. like fish like that.." The rest of us hang out for a while and each pair take our turns to shower. Meantime, the guys left for their dinner and the gals get ready for dinner in town while waiting for the guys to return.
Left the resort for Malacca town for The Capitol Satay Celup. Its my 2nd time and its not my favourite since it falls under the "spicy" food category. Siang, Noelle and some others didn't know that Satay Celup is actually same method with KL's "lut lut"; just that instead of soup or tom yam based. We dipped the various meatball, fishball and etc... into "satay kuah" ~ thick gravy, full of peanuts and spicy.

After a sweaty meal, we head to Jonker Street. Situated at corner of Jalan Hang Jebat and Jalan Hang Kasturi. To my much disapointment, it wasn't the tradisional & cultural street that used to sell lots of handicraft, antiques, clogs, clothes, accessories and light snacks of Malacca. Its like a "pasar malam" on the regular weekends along any streets in Klang. Some commented its just like Petaling Street in KL selling the imitation branded goods. Now, its so commercialised and I felt that it was ruin by the China products everywhere. And its crowded with Singaporeans. We saw 80% of the cars in this town are Singaporen cars. I bought "air mata kucing" while strolling along this street and saw my favourite "gula melaka" and bought 2 packs. The guys don't even know what are they, they asked me so many questions. Hehehe.. Then, Cteven bought the "Sweet Candy Fruit" and it was supposed to be popular in China. I tried on the grapes and its nice but a little too sweet. Cannot eat too much... In the car, Nicho still wanted to catch the mid-night movie but nobody wanna go with him.
Once we gathered at the end of the Jonker Street about 11.15pm, we walked along the Malacca River to where we parked our car and we head to Pantai Kundur for "Roti John" & "Ayam Golek" for supper. Both also I had never tried before. We passed by the Stall and head to the Petroleum refinery first as May missed her old time there. We stopped there for about 10minutes and saw some couples "pathology" there and we decide to stay inside our car as we do not want to disturb them and also it was pitch black outside and kinda scary. We U-turn and stop for the "Roti John" and "Ayam Golek". The "Roti John" is huge!! And I finally know why they called it "Ayam Golek", its just a version of "Kenny Rogers" but this is using 'kampung chicken' as the chicky size is so small. I think I can finish 1 all by myself if I'm hungry. As the guys are so engross with the World Cup on TV, we only ordered 1 and half "Ayam Golek" and 3 "Roti John". We waited for the 1st half of the World Cup to finish before we head back to our Resort. Bbuurrppp... I'm satisfied and enjoyed the "Ayam Golek" very much. As you may wonder, we have not enough time to visit some of the places that we planned to.

When we arrived back to our Resort, some of us watch the World Cup and some showered and some just hang out in the room. I joined the rest of the guys watching the World Cup and still insist to sleep on the sofa for the nite while Siang and Noelle continue to sort out the room arrangements. Finally, 2 rooms are given to the guys and 1 room for the gals. Siang wanted to accompany me in the Hall because she is afraid of the air-cond and that's the same reason also I opt not to sleep in the rooms. There is no remote-control for the aircond and we can't adjust anything of it. Since Siang is sleeping in the Hall, Noelle also want to joined us. She was the first to take out her sleeping bag and sleep near the Balcony sliding door. The rest of us started playing Naomi while I watched them. Melissa thought us. Its using the same "blocks" like "mah-jong". But this has the Black Jack card numbers and design on it. After the 1st game, I realised its the same game that Alvin taught me back when I was in PNG and for the Philipinos; they called it ~ "Dong-Its". And the Chinese called it ~ "Chiap-Kut" (Stick de Bone). It was fun and I got addicted to it. And then, Siang & Melissa thought U-Xinn how to play "mah-jong" on another table. Nicho and me couldn't stop ourselves from continue the game while Joyce and Sue Jane knock out. As we need 4 players, we can't proceed. So, Nicho and James hang out to watch the World Cup : USA vs Italy until finish. I slowly drift off to dreamland sometime at 3 plus am... Zzz...
Gals have free breakfast and we got up at about 8plus.. feeling a bit zombie caused only had about 5 hours of sleep. Brush my teeth and changed and get ready for breakfast. While waiting for the rest of the gals, I helped Siang prepared the table for the guys' breakfast before I adjoin to the Coffee House for breakfast. It was fully occupied the Coffee House, not a single table available. In front of us, one Singaporean family is waiting for the next table to be vacant. How come I know they are Singaporean? Because I commented : "Ahh... typical kiasu Singaporean having their share of food." Noelle chuckled and nudged at me as the lady in front of us looked at me distastefully. Hahahaha... Is true, just as I enter the Coffee House, I can feel and smell the Singaporeans. Not that I'm criticizing, but because I'm a half-blood Singaporean myself. I'm kinda proud to be half. The waiter asked us to wait and of course, it was just a courtesy because he will be too busy to find us a table. So, I walked in after like standing at the entrance for 5 minutes and found a vacant table but full of leftover food on the plates which are being transfered from the next table. Again, this is typical Singaporean style!! Malaysians don't do this lar... gosh... Afraid that the Singaporean family might be upset as they had waited earlier for the table, Noelle asked them if they would like to have the table that I had spotted. And the lady said they don't as they are waiting for another table nearer to the food. Hehehe... So, we happily settled down and got the waiter to clean up the table and to my disapointment, all the food are gone!! As I was trying to get a cup of juice, I asked the waiter if they are gonna refill them, he gave me a "sarcastic" face and a knod and walked off. So, I returned to my table with some fried rice, some scrabbled eggs and some baked beans and a glass of juice. And the rest of the meal, I just sat there and May and Noelle got me more steam saussages and scramble eggs. They don't even have time to fried the saussages or steam is much healthier?? Then, I saw the table next to me, actually had a plastic container of food in it on their table. I confirmed they were Singaporeans after I took a while to listen to their conversation. *shake head* When we get back to our apartment to get ready for church service, the guys are still showering and eating their breakfast. May got a bit upset and said she is leaving no matter what for the church service at 10am and its up to us if we wanna go or just stay behind. Since, everyone knows its Sunday, they still get ready for church service and since I'm the only one from them that know the way to the church other than May herself. I had to wait for the late ones to get ready. Wei Hong drived speedily to church and we didn't miss any roads or took any wrong turnings. Glad I managed to remember the roads well.
After church service at about 12pm, May brought us to the Beef Noodle shop. So happened, they have "Pai-Kut" (Fried Pork Ribs) Noodle also, my favourite. Thus, it wasn't that bad after all for those who don't eat Beef. Cause initially, those who don't eat beef had plans to eat something else and just wait and watch the rest enjoy their Beef Noodle. We went back to Malacca town for Chicken Rice Ball again but another shop. This is a long queue but it was not as good as the first one. Probably, the crowd prefer a tradisional ambience with air-cond. May didn't joined us but went to eat Cendol at the opposite shop. We had cendol again after the Chicken Rice Ball. Here, it tasted better, much creamer and it was just pure satisfaction on a hot sunny day. *Yummie*
2pm is our check-out time and it was way passed that so we had to go back to our resort and pack our things. May went to the receiptionist and told them we will check out late at about 4pm and they were fine with it. Some of us had to go to the public toilet around the Resort to make "big biz" as there isn't enough room for all in the apartment and of course, its a much better choice than feeling embarrassed by the remarks. Some of us already put our luggage in the car and waiting in the car while some still so addicted to play Naomi. We left the place at about 4.30pm and since some of us need to rush for Father's Day dinner, we couldn't visit the "Dusun".

As Malacca will always remain the historical state of Malaysia, but was I glad that I had seen Malacca back then... Also, I lost my voice in this trip...
Notes : More candid pictures in "Gallery".