Monday, May 09, 2011

LOVE never make sense...

On my birthday, Fazly got me a CD... never heard of Marie Digby but the songs, "Say It Again" and "Umbrella" are no stranger to me.

After opening the wrapper, the first thing came into my mind was "Anna Sui". Kekeke... really love it. Not the songs to begin with... but the appearance of the CD; from the cover to the lyrics-booklet... just love it!

I've been listening to the CD since it's gifted to me... everyday on my way to work and on my way back from work. Somehow, some of her songs make me wanna pick up my "skirt" and dance along the beat. Even was humming the tunes at work in the mornings... I won't go on and on about it... lyrics wise... too much to describe in one word.

Loving some thing...
Loving some one...
Will NEVER make sense to others...
Or ourselves...
Does not need to...

**It's not her lyric, it's my own thoughts & feelings.

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