The cream colour came out to be brighter against the black... and I thought the black colour should be a material of suede and not velvet. But, I wasn't in much position to "comment" or "complaint" since this is my first time in my life to customised a pair of shoe! For RM110, I can't really whin about it either... Overall the shoes on display at the shop, I think San Lee's design are rather old fashion but I think if you read about them, they have indeed been around many years... so, I thought, I'll probably check out another shop if I plan to get another pair in the future.
With its heel that is 2.5 inch in height... I'm surprised that so far, it's been comfortable to dance with, which should be important criteria for me as a beginner0-dancer. Even the aunty that measures my feet said I had such a thin feet. Hehehe... *embarrassed*, I always called it "duckie-flat feet" and that's why I always have problem choosing the right shoes or wanting to wear pretty shoes that eventually, I don't get to own them due to my thin feet.
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