I don't recall how I celebrate my previous year(s) of New Year Eve. Not being very much prefer to be at a crowded and congested surrounding, I probably just stay at home and watch the fireworks from my window.
This year I had an invitation and I counted down New Year in a way I never had before which was BBQ by the pool-side of a condominium at Ara Damansara (right opposite "Niu Zie Xui") and with a whole big group of strangers and amazingly they are a group of dancers as well!! I can only recalled some of the names that they introduced themselves when I arrived... Let's see, it's like starting the first day at a new work-place. Hhhmm... they are Leong, Thera, Jacqueline, Alexandra, Stella, Boon Tze, Justin & wife; Joey, Luen Kit... I'm bad at remembering names that are not English so yea... maybe, I might even get the names wrongly remembered too.
Once I arrived, I felt that I had over-dressed myself seeing that all of them were in their jeans or shorts & slippers; just like at the beach-side. Despite that I'm comfortable enough in my clothes but I was afraid I'll slipped on my shoes since the area is kinda wet at the same time so I had to really tip toes slowly from one place to another.
Just about 5 minutes, we were there, I recalled very well Scott said, "Go mingle around" and so I left the table full of food to the other side where the BBQ-pit corner is. I was feeling a little out of place because people are not that friendly at this "corner" so I just got myself a stick of chicky-wing and I started BBQ-ing it. Leong was there and he asked me a few questions and then, that's about it... the rest were chit-chatting among themselves and making silly & dirty jokes. I chuckled a few times when I find them funny. Since, I had to wait for my chicky-wing to cook, I had nothing better to do but to listen and be amused till Scott came to take over the chicky-wing when it's almost cooked. So, I returned to the food-corner.
This year I had an invitation and I counted down New Year in a way I never had before which was BBQ by the pool-side of a condominium at Ara Damansara (right opposite "Niu Zie Xui") and with a whole big group of strangers and amazingly they are a group of dancers as well!! I can only recalled some of the names that they introduced themselves when I arrived... Let's see, it's like starting the first day at a new work-place. Hhhmm... they are Leong, Thera, Jacqueline, Alexandra, Stella, Boon Tze, Justin & wife; Joey, Luen Kit... I'm bad at remembering names that are not English so yea... maybe, I might even get the names wrongly remembered too.
Once I arrived, I felt that I had over-dressed myself seeing that all of them were in their jeans or shorts & slippers; just like at the beach-side. Despite that I'm comfortable enough in my clothes but I was afraid I'll slipped on my shoes since the area is kinda wet at the same time so I had to really tip toes slowly from one place to another.
Just about 5 minutes, we were there, I recalled very well Scott said, "Go mingle around" and so I left the table full of food to the other side where the BBQ-pit corner is. I was feeling a little out of place because people are not that friendly at this "corner" so I just got myself a stick of chicky-wing and I started BBQ-ing it. Leong was there and he asked me a few questions and then, that's about it... the rest were chit-chatting among themselves and making silly & dirty jokes. I chuckled a few times when I find them funny. Since, I had to wait for my chicky-wing to cook, I had nothing better to do but to listen and be amused till Scott came to take over the chicky-wing when it's almost cooked. So, I returned to the food-corner.
= The BBQ-Corner=

= The Food-Corner =

At the food corner, Jacqueline was really nice. She kept feeding me and asking me to, "eat eat eat". *Chuckled* being a mother is always like that. All the fried food were cooked by her maid and some other friends. It's delicious and yummie. After a while, I went back to the BBQ corner and got Scott to cook lots of sausages for me. I'm still kinda hungry... or probably I just love sausages :P
Somehow, looking at most of the guys are already top-less and soaking wet, Scott decided he wanted to have a change of clothes so that he can also have some fun. By then Alexandra & Stella were also half-dredged and I'm really tempted too. So, we returned to my car and Scott changed but I just change my heels to slippers instead. On our way to my car, I chatted with Scott about his dancers friends and one remarked left me astound, "I feel alienated around them." and when I asked him, "even today when I'm around?" and his replied was, "Yeah.." and I goes speechless the rest of the way.
Upon returning, I just hang around the BBQ corner and waiting for the sweet potatoes & sweet corn to cook while watching Alexandra & Justin waltzing away. There are 3-huge water-guns around and I really cannot resist not having a try on it and since I was kinda getting a little bored just sitting without even talking... I took the water-gun that was left on the stool and started learning to play with it.
Of course, I shot in front and I think Justin or Boon Tze got wet and they came back at me for revenge. So yea... I got a little dredged but I was feeling good. At that point of time, I wished I had brought my swim wear and I could even swim in the big huge pool that is really tempting me since I first arrived!!
Next, the guys wanted to get Scott wet too so the strategy was to carry him and "swing" and throw him right into the wide cold pool! *SPLASH* In he go... everyone had a good laugh. But the pictures doesn't come out that well unfortunately.
The whole night, the songs were on for all of them to dance & waltz around and it's quite funny to actually see them doing it at the semi-wet floor. I felt that they were still graceful and gentle despite that they are not in their best attires.
Since everyone is satisfied with the food, the wine was being poured from one glass to another but I forgotten who is the guy's name that pour it. It's also almost counting-down time and we stood in a circle by the pool and the same guy that pour the wine solemnly saying his honorable speech. I'm not sure if he is always serious like this speech that he gave but I was controlling very hard not to laugh because everyone around were so quiet and serious as well. But after the speech, he is back to being playful like before.
Few minutes after our toast and wishes to each other, I walked away to the other side of the building trying to catch the first glimpse of fireworks at the open-sky in front of me. YES! It finally came after I stood there for a minute or two. Probably that "area" timing was a bit late... so, I called out to Scott to see it and everyone joined us too. It lasted very long and somehow, we all got a little bored as it being too-long and we just couldn't wait for it to be over instead.

After that, they started to clean up the area and some of the guys played card-games. In order to finish the leftover food, they came up with the idea that for those who lost the card-games, they had to finish certain amount of the food. At last and amazingly, it works... most of the leftover were gone in minutes.
Last night was for a change... I'm not sure if others will remember it the way I do but I guessed, I choose to blog (since we are also blessed with blogging convenience these days) about it to keep me reminded of last night. Special thanks for the one who took the pictures and thanks for your company.

Somehow, looking at most of the guys are already top-less and soaking wet, Scott decided he wanted to have a change of clothes so that he can also have some fun. By then Alexandra & Stella were also half-dredged and I'm really tempted too. So, we returned to my car and Scott changed but I just change my heels to slippers instead. On our way to my car, I chatted with Scott about his dancers friends and one remarked left me astound, "I feel alienated around them." and when I asked him, "even today when I'm around?" and his replied was, "Yeah.." and I goes speechless the rest of the way.
Upon returning, I just hang around the BBQ corner and waiting for the sweet potatoes & sweet corn to cook while watching Alexandra & Justin waltzing away. There are 3-huge water-guns around and I really cannot resist not having a try on it and since I was kinda getting a little bored just sitting without even talking... I took the water-gun that was left on the stool and started learning to play with it.
Of course, I shot in front and I think Justin or Boon Tze got wet and they came back at me for revenge. So yea... I got a little dredged but I was feeling good. At that point of time, I wished I had brought my swim wear and I could even swim in the big huge pool that is really tempting me since I first arrived!!

Next, the guys wanted to get Scott wet too so the strategy was to carry him and "swing" and throw him right into the wide cold pool! *SPLASH* In he go... everyone had a good laugh. But the pictures doesn't come out that well unfortunately.
The whole night, the songs were on for all of them to dance & waltz around and it's quite funny to actually see them doing it at the semi-wet floor. I felt that they were still graceful and gentle despite that they are not in their best attires.

After that, they started to clean up the area and some of the guys played card-games. In order to finish the leftover food, they came up with the idea that for those who lost the card-games, they had to finish certain amount of the food. At last and amazingly, it works... most of the leftover were gone in minutes.
Last night was for a change... I'm not sure if others will remember it the way I do but I guessed, I choose to blog (since we are also blessed with blogging convenience these days) about it to keep me reminded of last night. Special thanks for the one who took the pictures and thanks for your company.

i believe this is the occasion where the "black-ink" drips down on your face? or was it spots only? hmmm... faster go buy the waterproof wan la!
;P Lucky, was not the "inking-drip". Its little mini-black dots at the bottom of my eyes. I was not wearing my glasses so, I'm not very sure how it really looks like when I was cleaning it in the toilet.
Come to think about it, not sure is the dusty charcoal from the BBQ-pit or it's the mascara *grin*
According to JJ, waterproof will be very difficult to clean them off. But, can consider it one day when I'm not so broke.
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