I couldn't believe it when I smsed Jason this morning and he said I should attend his Module 2 class at 4pm!!! A few days ago, I smsed him to check if the Klang dance school will continue the Thursday evening class as for the last 3 weeks, I end up being the only student of his (except for 2nd-class that Kavita joined) and because of my faithfullness (as claimed), so he told the dance school owner that he won't proceed with the Klang class unless there are 5 committed students other than me.
So, I got my refund from the Klang dance school and thus the 3 private classes (I had to declare it this way) are FOC!! How COOL that is?! Totally, didn't expect that coming...
Jason asked me to get my dance partner along since he wanted to continue his salsa lesson and since I wasn't very sure where would I fit-in in Module 2 or rather, this questions kept popping out from my brain since I got his sms, "Module 2?? Am I ready? Have I learned what I'm supposed to in other Module 1 classes?" Ooohhh... I was really lost... confused...
Since, I'm all geared-up for the class at SS18, Subang... I have to brave myself to attend the class. I was a little lost when I get into the dance center where a young girl smiled to me and asked me how she can help me. I was advised by Jason to seek the Manager's advice on the fees that I should pay but she/he is not around and won't be turning up anytime at all. Confused again, but I told the girl that I'll pay later after the 4pm class; after I speak to Jason.
We started with the man's footnote which I was a bit lost (as usual)... I just don't understand why Jason thinks I can just get into Module 2 after 3 classes with him only. I really having alot of doubts and worrying for my performance. To our surprise, FH knew one of the student and after our class started, walked in another familiar face. Hehehe... such a small little world... I had to say... the turning & spinning makes me dizzy today but, it was an enjoyable class which now becomes Jason's motto for me to salsa and I personally has to agree! "E-N-J-O-Y"
Jason complimented on my new salsa shoes and I told him it was not what I had in mind though... I'm not sure if he is always giving compliment as part of his positive-thinking or he meant it as it is. Hehehe... Anyway, I hope I don't struggle to catch-up on this Module 2 and I have to practise alot since he gave me a CD which I think if I want to improve, I got to work-hard *chuckled* Till my next scribbles on salsa... hope to take some pictures too in my classes...