I shall not brag on and on about the old-role... as it's going to be the past soon. Well, I still had to complete the old-case while slowly handover the old-task to another staff. This month, I'm handling 50/50 of both old and new department. But, to my much dismay due to some complicity of a "special project", my Corporate GM requested me to continue to hold responsible for this "special project" which forecast to complete by mid-year of 2009 and if things didn't quite turn out as forecast, it will be into the 3rd quarter of 2009!! And this easily will take up about 15-20% of my new role *sobs*sobs*
I did not regret for the request to be transfered but the comfort of my old work-place is very much missed by me despite that I only sat at my new work-place from yesterday onwards. My Corporate GM kept rushing me to move to my new place because she knows that my previous GM will continue to give me task to handle if I'm at his sight. So in order for him to notice my disappearance will only he realized that he shouldn't be asking me to handle things under his department.
Eventhough, I have nothing much to fear at my new work-place but it is still an open-concept work-place without any cubicles and my back is actually facing to my Corporate GM's room and we are divided by a walk-way of the main entrance into the 2nd block of our office-building. Thus, everyone that walked into this 2nd-block building can basically see what I do with my laptop and they can easily just haunt me from behind by leaning against the not-so-high cubicles. Hhmmm... pictures explains it all...
~ Previous Work-Place ~
~ New Work-Place ~
~ The walk-way behind my work-place ~
Gosh... I can feel the soreness of my legs & backbone tonight due to yesterday moving, I had to move my files and things myself and I happened to wear high-heels to work yesterday. I had to climb the staircase from 1st floor at 1st block to ground floor at 2nd block for more than 8 times. Just so, I don't have to see the "faces" of the Admin cum IT staffs who are responsible for our "moving" each time we are required to do so. I rather do it myself and not see their "black-face" that they will give...
For a history-record, this moving is the 5th time while I worked for 2 years and 7 months in this company. It's crazy but this is how the company works. From cubicle-concept to open-concept and back to cubicle-concept and now again to open-concept. I'm not sure to laugh or to cry...
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