Not too sure why today,
I felt like "the burden" from my shoulder was lifted up...
Driving along the Kesas-Highway slowly...
Usually, I very much concentrate on the road...
Or the cars beside me...
Or the review-mirror...
But this morning, a little exceptional,
I looked up to the sky...
Right in front of me...
The sun is rising...
I don't usually see sunrise in the city...
But this morning...
The sight & the beauty captivated me...
Quickly grabbed my new phone...
And took a few snap-shots...

The orangy-colour of the sun really put me off for a while..
So, I wondered,
God created the Sun...
And I wonder how many people actually stop...
for a while to appreciate and see the Sun on their way to work?
And that's when I was thinking,
maybe one fine day,
I shall find a good spot along the highway emergency-lane
to stop to take a better picture of the sunrise.

As my mind strategically-thinking of the sunrise,
I neared the toll-gate...
After passing the Smart-Tag sensor,
I continue to drive my way to work...
As one part of the highway has an ascending road...
I caught a glimpse of a Rainbow!!
Again, I grabbed my phone and only managed to take 1 picture...
Because few seconds after that,
I had to manual my steering-wheel as the road is descending & curve...
Lucky that I did not lose-control of the wheel...
On the moment that I'm amazed with the sight-of the rainbow...