Friday, July 22, 2011
Plant Miniature Garden
Always amazed with how a living creature can survive in a closed-lid glass container. Give it a try... As for myself... I need to find the right time, the right plant and the right container first...

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Magical Musical @ Ampitheathe Sunway Lagoon

Got free tickets from brother to watch the magical musical at Sunway Lagoon's ampitheathe. My first time to enter the Lagoon. We were early and I was also quite lucky to get a free parking outside the shop-lots within very short walking distance of the entrance.
First impression of the Ampitheathre wasn't as bad as I imagine. Even if it rains, there is still a big piece of white canvas to protect us from the rain; provided there is no big wind that comes along; then, I won't dare to imagine whether the audience will get wet or not. But, tonight it's just warm... not a slightest wind other than from the big-fan that is being placed by the side. Many people were late and we were a little bored of waiting... No one offered to take a picture for us even though there is an elderly couple sitting nearby observing us playing with the camera and trying to take a picture of ourselves. Picture came out a bit blurry...
The musical was alright and I like the choreographer dancer tonight. They did a better job than our own locals dancer at West End Side concert. Tonight, I won't exactly want to spend $$ to buy the tickets but the fireworks were the highlight surprise and the glitters were awesome and of course the last part where the drums were very amazing to remember. Too bad; no cameras are allowed tonight. Overall, it's moderate-rating. Nothing to complaint since it's free tickets and I enjoyed myself too.